Comparative Cultures Mid-Term Assessment


Mesopotamia vs. Egypt.pptx

For this project I worked with a partner to compare the economy of Egypt and Mesopotamia. While working on this project I demonstrated my ability to work with others to reach a common goal. I did this by planning out who what do what in the project so that there was a fair and even amount of work. I also developed in communicating when I need help by asking my partner to help me when I wasn’t able to find the information I was looking for. Finally me and my partner demonstrated our ability to work towards a common goal at the end of the project when we were formatting and laying out our projects presentation.

The Mesopotamia vs Egypt project was about showing continuity and change in the two nations. Me and my partner were able to research topics to show how they changed over time and could identify the benefits of developments over time. We were also able to compare the differences between the two economies and compare their strengths/weaknesses.

English Language Arts 10 Core Competency Self-Assessment

Communication and collaboration through working in a group.

My Artifact: Boo Radley To Kill A Mockingbird

I demonstrated my communication and collaboration skills by actively talking to my partner on our progress. We would check in on each other each day and asked if either of us needed assistance, when we asked we would help each other and build ideas off each other. I can take on roles and responsibilities in a group; I do my share. If we felt something was off or bad about the others work we would critique it then give ways to improve on it. Our work was evenly split and if we felt the work was uneven the other would help the one with more work and take more. When either of us were unmotivated to work we would support the other and make it easier for them to work. For an example of us helping each other the bottom half has longer writing sections then the top and I was struggling to complete it all so my partner Jake helped me by writing two for me.

Our Utopian City: Value City

Communication Reflection

For are project we made a perfect city with values to make it the best possible city. The city is supposed to be perfect for the present. We used Minecraft to make are city because it allows for the most possible creativity, this helped us make exactly what we were thinking.  We communicated via discord to share ideas and communicate while working on the project. Using discord made it extremely easy to share ideas and give feedback through voice chat for our ideas. We did not give one person any responsibilities alone. We worked on each value together as a group, communicating our ideas while working so that we could be as efficient as possible. As group we were incredibly good together, perfectly able to share and incorporate our ideas into the city. Although one member didn’t do any work. Many of our decisions were while we were working together. We would build on each other’s ideas to make them greater. But sometimes it would be hard to communicate what we were thinking so if that happened, we had to do it ourselves. Yes, we are all very satisfied with the final product, we put a lot of effort into it, and we are happy with the results. One thing we could improve on is our time management.  

Are Values

Are values are family, education, transportation, nature, and health. For family we made a few houses perfect for a family. For education we made a school that is close to the house for ease of access. For transportation we made a road connecting everything and busses to help people get around. We made an animal sanctuary with a few crops for nature. We built a big hospital for health.