English Language Arts Core Competency Self-Assessment

Creative Thinking

This is my cover for my poetry project. The project includes a collection of my finest work that I’ve developed over the course of English Language Arts.

I can deliberately learn about things that interest me, and new ideas pop into my head by creating poems then finding themes that reflect those poems and finally choose pictures that reflect that theme.

English Language Arts 10 Core Competency Self-Assessment

Communication and collaboration through working in a group.

My Artifact: Boo Radley To Kill A Mockingbird

I demonstrated my communication and collaboration skills by actively talking to my partner on our progress. We would check in on each other each day and asked if either of us needed assistance, when we asked we would help each other and build ideas off each other. I can take on roles and responsibilities in a group; I do my share. If we felt something was off or bad about the others work we would critique it then give ways to improve on it. Our work was evenly split and if we felt the work was uneven the other would help the one with more work and take more. When either of us were unmotivated to work we would support the other and make it easier for them to work. For an example of us helping each other the bottom half has longer writing sections then the top and I was struggling to complete it all so my partner Jake helped me by writing two for me.