Live Saving Measures

From the presentations in the past week I’ve have many different takeaways and learned many important things. From the CPR presentation I learned when you should and should not give CPR for example if the person has a do not resuscitate card I shouldn’t give CPR or if they don’t have a pulse I should. In the substance abuse presentation I learned what the differences between different overdoses look like, like alcohol versus opioid overdose. During the naloxhome presentation I learned how to check if a person overdosing is conscious and the steps to take when administering naloxone. These 3 presentation will have a very important impact on my life. I will be able to confidently give CPR to others in need and I can administer naloxone to people overdosing.

Critical and Reflective Thinking Competency Reflection

I can analyze evidence to make judgements. I am able to check on person and determine to use CPR by checking their pulse, breathing and the environment. I can also help a person overdosing by using the SAVE ME steps from the naloxhome presentation to help them.

Where I’m From Essay

My Paper

Michael Hamilton 

Interview Essay 

My grandpa Stipe who I call Dida had many reasons to not move to Canada and yet he still went. Dida is from a small Croatian village called Rašeljke and so was the rest of his family “It was the hardest choice I ever made. To leave my whole family just for gamble was terrifying” is what he said. When Dida made it to Canada, he had to overcome many struggles like language, finding a job, paying bills and worst of all watching as his home country was at war, not being able to see his family “I felt so guilty being in Canada when any family could die any day.” Dida had many challenges moving to Canada and even more in Canada, yet he prevailed. 

Dida had a twin brother that moved to Canada after getting married, his brother was able to find a job in construction that was able to support his family. Meanwhile, my Dida had my mother in Croatia and quickly moved to Germany for a better job then had another kid in Germany. One day while working Dida got a call, “We can raise our families together and live together” is what my Didas brother suggested to Stipe so that they could save more money. So, Dida went to Canada with two kids and no job to live with his brother. Did was able to get a good job with him in construction. Now with a house in Canada he and everyone else in our family had to overcome many social and cultural barriers. 

My family moved to Canada not knowing a word of English, but my Baba and Dida were able to teach themselves by watching Canadian TV and by doing a few lessons. “Almost everything was made harder when I didn’t know English” said Dida talking about all the challenges he went through. Making it out of the airport was difficult because he couldn’t write in English, trying to figure out how to get my mom into school, getting a car, doing taxes, and the list goes on. My mom was five when she went to Canada and only knew Croatian, in kindergarten she got bullied a bit for not knowing English but by the time she was in grade 1 she was able to speak it well and even better than Dida. Dida liked many things like having a huge grocery store, being able to travel easily, and having an easy time to find good jobs anywhere. Baba and Dida quickly found out about the Croatian cultural center which is a church for other Croatians in Vancouver, and he loved connecting with other Croatians and meeting new people. One day a while after Dida moved to Canada a war started in former Yugoslavia while most of his family was still in Croatia.  

As soon as it started most of our family moved to Germany because it was safe and had good jobs. Dida contacted everyone then he and his brother started working more hours to be able to send money to support his family. Everybody at the Croatian cultural center would help each other by contributing donations and by doing prayer for the families. The war was very tough on my whole family but after it was all over, they all prospered, and my Dida successfully gave my mom and her sisters the life he wanted to give them. 

My Dida’s decision to move to Canada was a huge gamble that could have been awfully bad for him, but his gamble pay off incredibly well. He was able to successfully overcome every challenge thrown at him, from a language barrier to finding friends to connect with. Saying goodbye to his family was hard for my grandpa, but he can see them more through technology, and he will see them again in person this summer in Croatia. 

The Writing Process

When I was working on the essay I found the interview part to be very easy and fun. Some challenges I had to face were trying to implement quotes in the essay at the correct times and also trying to figure out what topics I was going to present. I was able to include quotes by using trial and error to figure out what I like. To figure out what topics to present I asked my Dida what was most important to him and I used those. I enjoyed learning about my Dida’s past and piecing together the stories I’ve heard my whole life.

Core Competency Reflection

In discussions and conversations, I help to build and extend understanding by asking questions that can lead different topics.

As an active listener, I notice that I can tell if the person speaking is interested in what we are talking about and I can understand what a person is trying to say when they can’t think of the words to use.

I remain open minded as I explore viable options or alternative approaches, like when I changed what I wrote about based on what my Dida found most important.

I want to get better at comparing the things I learn to my life experiences and how they affect them. I can describe how … (this thing I learned at school) relates to this experience I had where. I’ll achieve this goal by thinking about the effects of certain situations on my life.

Life Saving Measures

During the Naloxone presentation I learned many things that surprised me. I learned that the leading cause of death for 18-36 year olds is overdose and that 7 people die a day from overdose. I now know how to easily get Naloxone that could save someones life if they were overdosing and I know how to apply the drug. In CPR I learned how to properly check for a pulse and what to do in certain cardiac situations. These presentation have informed me of how too common these events can occur and has taught me how to potentially save a life.

Critical and Reflective Thinking Competency Reflection

I can analyze evidence to make judgements. This relates to me because of the steps I’ve learned from these presentations. I now know that in cardiac situations you must analyze the area to make sure its safe and you must determine if the person requires CPR.

Comparative Cultures Mid-Term Assessment


Mesopotamia vs. Egypt.pptx

For this project I worked with a partner to compare the economy of Egypt and Mesopotamia. While working on this project I demonstrated my ability to work with others to reach a common goal. I did this by planning out who what do what in the project so that there was a fair and even amount of work. I also developed in communicating when I need help by asking my partner to help me when I wasn’t able to find the information I was looking for. Finally me and my partner demonstrated our ability to work towards a common goal at the end of the project when we were formatting and laying out our projects presentation.

The Mesopotamia vs Egypt project was about showing continuity and change in the two nations. Me and my partner were able to research topics to show how they changed over time and could identify the benefits of developments over time. We were also able to compare the differences between the two economies and compare their strengths/weaknesses.

Computer Programing 11 Self Assessment

This is my Arduino mini project assignment and for I made a leveler to check an object is level to the floor and vertical to a wall. I used many different concepts to make this program an some new ones that I used my research skills to understand. This project helped me to get better at learning new concepts on my own. The next time I do a project like this I will try to incorporate more new concepts into it.

I can statements

I can experiment with different ways of doing things (Critical Thinking)

I make my ideas work or change what I am doing (Creative Thinking)

I can identify problems and compare potential problem-solving strategies (Social Responsibility)

Computer Programing 11 Self-Assessment

I made a program that draws a Christmas tree how you want it to look with the turtle module. I used my creative thinking skills to think of my idea for this project and to draw the tree. I used my critical thinking skills when I came across errors in my code then I came up with solution to fix those problems.

  • I can experiment with different ways of doing things (CRITICAL THINKING)
  • I make my ideas work or I change what I am doing (CREATIVE THINKING)
  • I build the skills I need to make my ideas work, and usually succeed, even if it takes a few tries (CREATIVE THINKING)

Equation of a Parabola

My Equation .

My Graph

A = 1/3

The variable A is what’s making my graph wider than the standard graph. A is what determines the width of the graph and the closer A is to 0 the wider it gets. A is also the reason why my graph opens upward like the standard graph. If A were negative the graph would open downward

H = -1

The variable H is what determines my graphs axis of symmetry or the graphs position on the X axis. Because H is equal to -1 the graph is shifted to left and is further left on the X axis then the standard graph.

K = -1

The variable K is what determines were the graphs vertex is on the Y axis. H is what makes my graphs vertex lower on the Y axis than the standard graph.

Self Assessment

  1. I represented the Axis of symmetry or the H variable in 3 different ways. I represented it in the graph with the graphs shift on the X axis, I represented it in the equation in with H, and I described the importance of it in a sentence
  2. I demonstrated my understanding while describing the importance of K by saying that K affects the position of the vertex
  3. I formatted information in a clear way by taking a screenshot of what the graph of my equation looks like