Our Utopian City: Value City


Communication Reflection

For are project we made a perfect city with values to make it the best possible city. The city is supposed to be perfect for the present. We used Minecraft to make are city because it allows for the most possible creativity, this helped us make exactly what we were thinking.  We communicated via discord to share ideas and communicate while working on the project. Using discord made it extremely easy to share ideas and give feedback through voice chat for our ideas. We did not give one person any responsibilities alone. We worked on each value together as a group, communicating our ideas while working so that we could be as efficient as possible. As group we were incredibly good together, perfectly able to share and incorporate our ideas into the city. Although one member didn’t do any work. Many of our decisions were while we were working together. We would build on each other’s ideas to make them greater. But sometimes it would be hard to communicate what we were thinking so if that happened, we had to do it ourselves. Yes, we are all very satisfied with the final product, we put a lot of effort into it, and we are happy with the results. One thing we could improve on is our time management.  

Are Values

Are values are family, education, transportation, nature, and health. For family we made a few houses perfect for a family. For education we made a school that is close to the house for ease of access. For transportation we made a road connecting everything and busses to help people get around. We made an animal sanctuary with a few crops for nature. We built a big hospital for health. 

What’s the World Around Town?


A) Yes I was and I found out by examining if the thing can create jobs, money, resources, or increase population.

B) I liked how I could select and circle areas and this made things easier so that I could show there actual scale. (ex. The Rocky Mountain Region that I circled) I also really liked how the pictures and links could be added into the points.

C) Yes I think that it looked very good, but I think that it lacked in the amount points that I could’ve added.

D) I would put more time into the project in general, look at more websites for research, and I would add more points.


Nakiska home website 



The Rockies 




Lodgepole Pine 




Brooks Sawmill 




Ghost Lake 



Ghost Lake Dam 









The Saskatoon Farm 




Rumsey Natural Area 



About Me

My Bio

My name is Michael

I am 14 and in grade 9. My favorite thing to do is hanging out with my friends and playing games. My favorite subject is math because it’s really easy for me. My least favorite subject is social studies because the past is boring. I enjoy listening to music and watching YouTube. Some words that describe be are outgoing, excited, kind.

My Favorite Website


This is my favorite website because it is the best way for me to waist time and get distracted. It is also great for education and music. I also like YouTube because there are a lot of funny things on there and I spend quite a bit of time on it.

My Favorite Video

This is my favorite movie the emoji movie. I like the emoji movie because it is very funny and has emojis in it.

My Favorite Image

Blue Face Kid

This is a picture of a kid screaming at a blue screen. I like it because it shows how much fear such a simple thing can put into us. I also find it very funny because he is screaming at a blue screen. I found this video on YouTube and can almost never go a day without watching it because it gives me the motivation to keep on going.

My Favorite Quote

You miss 100% off the shots you don’t take.

-Wayne Gretzky


