Life Saving Measures

During the Naloxone presentation I learned many things that surprised me. I learned that the leading cause of death for 18-36 year olds is overdose and that 7 people die a day from overdose. I now know how to easily get Naloxone that could save someones life if they were overdosing and I know how to apply the drug. In CPR I learned how to properly check for a pulse and what to do in certain cardiac situations. These presentation have informed me of how too common these events can occur and has taught me how to potentially save a life.

Critical and Reflective Thinking Competency Reflection

I can analyze evidence to make judgements. This relates to me because of the steps I’ve learned from these presentations. I now know that in cardiac situations you must analyze the area to make sure its safe and you must determine if the person requires CPR.

English Language Arts Core Competency Self-Assessment

Creative Thinking

This is my cover for my poetry project. The project includes a collection of my finest work that I’ve developed over the course of English Language Arts.

I can deliberately learn about things that interest me, and new ideas pop into my head by creating poems then finding themes that reflect those poems and finally choose pictures that reflect that theme.