Equation of a Parabola

My Equation .

My Graph

A = 1/3

The variable A is what’s making my graph wider than the standard graph. A is what determines the width of the graph and the closer A is to 0 the wider it gets. A is also the reason why my graph opens upward like the standard graph. If A were negative the graph would open downward

H = -1

The variable H is what determines my graphs axis of symmetry or the graphs position on the X axis. Because H is equal to -1 the graph is shifted to left and is further left on the X axis then the standard graph.

K = -1

The variable K is what determines were the graphs vertex is on the Y axis. H is what makes my graphs vertex lower on the Y axis than the standard graph.

Self Assessment

  1. I represented the Axis of symmetry or the H variable in 3 different ways. I represented it in the graph with the graphs shift on the X axis, I represented it in the equation in with H, and I described the importance of it in a sentence
  2. I demonstrated my understanding while describing the importance of K by saying that K affects the position of the vertex
  3. I formatted information in a clear way by taking a screenshot of what the graph of my equation looks like

English Language Arts Core Competency Self-Assessment

Creative Thinking

This is my cover for my poetry project. The project includes a collection of my finest work that I’ve developed over the course of English Language Arts.

I can deliberately learn about things that interest me, and new ideas pop into my head by creating poems then finding themes that reflect those poems and finally choose pictures that reflect that theme.

Japanese-Canadian Internment Paragraph

I’ve been very conflicted about the idea of Japanese Canadians being sent to internment camps for weeks, but I’ve final decided that I think Japanese Canadians should be sent to internment camps to ensure the safety and security of Canada. My family and friends have feared an invasion from Japan and the attack on pearl harbor has made us sure that Japan will invade us in Vancouver next. If Japan was willing to attack the U.S. who were neutral that means they might be willing to invade us at any moment with a ruthless attack and end with thousands of innocent people left dead. When this invasion happens it’s unknown which Japanese Canadians are truly loyal to Canada, the un-loyal Japanese Canadians could attack us from the inside and quickly take control of our city. If the invasion is successful Japanese soldiers may do the same thing they did in their invasion of China which was raping, murdering, and torturing innocent people which is my biggest fear that I have of Japan invading us. If Japanese Canadians aren’t put in internment camps it could cause the fall of Vancouver and possibly Canada. Another fear I have from Japanese Canadians is them ruining our economy and them causing many people to lose jobs. Japanese people have been immigrating to Canada for a long time and consistently steal people’s jobs because they work cheaper and for more hours. If Japanese people continue to immigrate here it could cause minimum wage to drop, safety protocols to be removed and reverse all the progress we have made for workers’ rights. The future could have ever profession being Japanese dominated if Japanese Canadians aren’t put in internment camps to slow the takeover of the job market from them. 

Core Competencies

I did analyze evidence from the research I did and made judgements.

I can now understand and tell, after examining the facts of the possible threat from Japanese-Canadians in Canada and the opinions of various people, the difference between fact and opinion.   

I did ask and respond to questions to be an active and supportive listener.

Curricular Competencies

I did assess, understood and explained the significance of the threat of the Japanese army and its treatment of people it conquered, in British Columbia, in my research handout and paragraph. 

I did assess and explained the justification for different views of Japanese-Canadian internment in my research handout and paragraph. 

I did assess and explained the changes the Japanese-Canadians went through. In my research handout.

Core Competency Self-Assessment

Collaborating in CLE 10


I contribute during group activities with peers and share roles and responsibilities to achieve goals. I showed this by doing my share of the work, adding ideas to my peers work, accepting criticism, and working together. An obstacle I faced was a peer not doing there share of the work, I overcame this obstacle by giving my partner ideas and showing them what to do. I learned that collaborating creates unique answers to questions and is a very fun way to do work. I can apply this to every day life by giving friends ideas on how to solve problems and working together with more people. Collaborating is important in every day life because there are always things that you can’t fully answer or solve and having a peer to help you well allow you to solve things faster.

English Language Arts 10 Core Competency Self-Assessment

Communication and collaboration through working in a group.

My Artifact: Boo Radley To Kill A Mockingbird

I demonstrated my communication and collaboration skills by actively talking to my partner on our progress. We would check in on each other each day and asked if either of us needed assistance, when we asked we would help each other and build ideas off each other. I can take on roles and responsibilities in a group; I do my share. If we felt something was off or bad about the others work we would critique it then give ways to improve on it. Our work was evenly split and if we felt the work was uneven the other would help the one with more work and take more. When either of us were unmotivated to work we would support the other and make it easier for them to work. For an example of us helping each other the bottom half has longer writing sections then the top and I was struggling to complete it all so my partner Jake helped me by writing two for me.

Core Competency Self-Assessment

Social Awareness And Responsibility in CLE 10

My Artifacts


I learnt how to browse careers that fit me and decide which is the best one for me. I did this by looking at the future of the career, researching the work environment, and seeing what skills are. I also decided which school and which program would be best for the career I choose. Finally I learnt how to demonstrate everything I learnt about the career I choose in a brochure that shows the key points I researched.

Our Utopian City: Value City


Communication Reflection

For are project we made a perfect city with values to make it the best possible city. The city is supposed to be perfect for the present. We used Minecraft to make are city because it allows for the most possible creativity, this helped us make exactly what we were thinking.  We communicated via discord to share ideas and communicate while working on the project. Using discord made it extremely easy to share ideas and give feedback through voice chat for our ideas. We did not give one person any responsibilities alone. We worked on each value together as a group, communicating our ideas while working so that we could be as efficient as possible. As group we were incredibly good together, perfectly able to share and incorporate our ideas into the city. Although one member didn’t do any work. Many of our decisions were while we were working together. We would build on each other’s ideas to make them greater. But sometimes it would be hard to communicate what we were thinking so if that happened, we had to do it ourselves. Yes, we are all very satisfied with the final product, we put a lot of effort into it, and we are happy with the results. One thing we could improve on is our time management.  

Are Values

Are values are family, education, transportation, nature, and health. For family we made a few houses perfect for a family. For education we made a school that is close to the house for ease of access. For transportation we made a road connecting everything and busses to help people get around. We made an animal sanctuary with a few crops for nature. We built a big hospital for health. 

What’s the World Around Town?


A) Yes I was and I found out by examining if the thing can create jobs, money, resources, or increase population.

B) I liked how I could select and circle areas and this made things easier so that I could show there actual scale. (ex. The Rocky Mountain Region that I circled) I also really liked how the pictures and links could be added into the points.

C) Yes I think that it looked very good, but I think that it lacked in the amount points that I could’ve added.

D) I would put more time into the project in general, look at more websites for research, and I would add more points.


Nakiska home website 



The Rockies 




Lodgepole Pine 




Brooks Sawmill 




Ghost Lake 



Ghost Lake Dam 









The Saskatoon Farm 




Rumsey Natural Area 

