Live Saving Measures

From the presentations in the past week I’ve have many different takeaways and learned many important things. From the CPR presentation I learned when you should and should not give CPR for example if the person has a do not resuscitate card I shouldn’t give CPR or if they don’t have a pulse I should. In the substance abuse presentation I learned what the differences between different overdoses look like, like alcohol versus opioid overdose. During the naloxhome presentation I learned how to check if a person overdosing is conscious and the steps to take when administering naloxone. These 3 presentation will have a very important impact on my life. I will be able to confidently give CPR to others in need and I can administer naloxone to people overdosing.

Critical and Reflective Thinking Competency Reflection

I can analyze evidence to make judgements. I am able to check on person and determine to use CPR by checking their pulse, breathing and the environment. I can also help a person overdosing by using the SAVE ME steps from the naloxhome presentation to help them.