4. PHE9 Reflection

My artifact

Badminton Cartoon - Homecare24

4. PHE9 Reflection

My strengths are That I can help people when they need it that I am athletic, and I am always willing to improve.

I have one main stretch and that is the fact that I am not good at meeting new people.

I can improve by meeting new people and talking to them.

Core competency reflection!

I can work well with other people if I have to.

I can participate actively can in activities.

I can work to improve my abilities.

I work with others to achieve a goal. I chose this because i the dance unit I had to work in a group to create a dance.

I reflect on my thinking. I chose this because in the 12-minuet run, I reflected on my performance to judge myself on how good I did.

I persevere with challenging tasks and take ownership of my goals, learning behavior. I showed this during the fitness unit when I pushed myself to reach my goals in fitness.


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