Heat of the Night: The Movie

My Movie


Character, Setting and Mood

While reading about Gottschalk, in the heat of the Night, determining what characters to use and how to show them as avatars was difficult. Gottschalk is not a major character in the story, so we really had to dig deep to find characters that were related to him. We decided to make the characters we chose, who were Ralph and Virgil, as accurately as we could. We used different details from the book to decide on a final appearance for both of the characters. Determining the setting of the story was not as difficult as determining the characters that were related to Gottschalk. We reread parts of the story where Gottschalk was, and we decided on The Highway the night of the murder, Ralph’s Diner, The Police Station, and Cape Kennedy. All of these places held some sort of correlation between the story and Gottschalk. The mood of the story is what sets the tone in literature and in film. We decided to go for a more mysterious mood, because everyone is suspecting Gottschalk to be the killer. We chose to use the song we did because we thought it best demonstrated what was happening in the story.

Core Competency Reflection

I show others i truly value their contributions by taking all of their suggestions into consideration. I demonstrated this when one of my group members offered we add a different song to the PowerPoint, and I added it into the movie.

When I need to boost my mood or refocus, I take deep breaths and step away from what I am doing. I showed this when I couldn’t find any information on the characters we chose, and was getting frustrated. I stepped back, took a few deep breaths and relaxed so i could refocus.

In discussions and conversations, I help to build and extend understanding by asking people to elaborate on their ideas. I presented my ability to do this, when we were making our PowerPoint and one of my group members made a suggestion about a setting point we could add to the Movie. I asked them to explain what they said again, and we ended up adding the new place to the PowerPoint.

I have valuable ideas to share about our PowerPoint and do so by speaking out and saying my ideas. I demonstrated this, when I suggested we add Wells Police Station as a setting, to our project


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