Chemistry 11 Edublog

I can ask and respond to questions to be an active, supportive listener

During the Lab there were many different instances where I went in blind and had to ask my teacher and peers for support. For example, when it was my first trial I had no idea of how many drops of the base I needed to add so I ended up overshooting it and creating a much darker pink then the one that I was supposed to create. After setting up my titration again, I asked my peers and discussed with them about what a proper amount of drops looks like and started with adding the base again. I listened to what others had said was the perfect range for a light pink titration and I slowly added the drops this time. It turned out in a beautiful light pink color which was a much larger success then the previous trial. In conclusion, listening to your peers and discussing options and different solutions is a great way to improve your understanding.


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