Core Competency Goals

My strategies for collecting relevant information for specific tasks include…

This year to collect information that is more relevant to the topic I will explore a different multitude of options such as browsing more websites and trying to be more specific in my search, to find info that will cater to my needs. I will also try to be more open to help from my peers, as well as connecting and giving them advice of my own. To find out if the info I have found is helpful to me I will ask my teacher and classmates, and check the specificity of the info to find out if it is relevant to my task/topic.

When I need to boost my mood or re-focus, I…

School is full of distractions. This year I will try to recognize when I am being distracted, or not focusing and try different strategies to re-center myself and boost my focus. Some strategies I may try are asking my teacher if I can go for a walk to clear my mind, or asking if I may go to get a drink of water. From my understanding, both of these strategies will prove efficient in allowing me to re-focus and boost my mood, and even allow my work to improve overall throughout the school year.

I notice when people feel left out and do this… to make sure they feel included

This year I will try to realize when people are being left out and try to invite them so that they feel welcomed and aren’t ostracized by others. By inviting them into my group it will make them feel more welcome and good about themselves. I believe that no one should have to be alone, so including others is really important to me. I believe that you should treat others how you would want to be treated.


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