Pre-Calculus 11 Core Competency Self-Assesment

Working Collaboratively with others

During this semester there were many times where I had to work with others in a group to achieve a common goal or to improve our understanding and learning. Every day during the course I collaborate with others in some form or way, such as working together on a Desmond project or going up to the whiteboard to complete group questions that help us prepare for upcoming assessments. During this semester it was really important for me to become comfortable with working in a group and listening to others input and making everyone feel included in the learning environment.

Dealing with challenges

While studying for upcoming tests or even just doing workbook questions, I had to deal with a variety of different stressors and challenges this semester. Some challenges that I faced was not understanding a certain topic. This was a particular fear of mine as I felt that if I did not understand something right away I felt as if I would get left behind as the class was learning new material, however, I found this wasn’t the case as many people happened to be in the same boat as me at certain times and that slowing down and trying to understand a topic was not the end of the world. If I had any advice for my future self it would be to attack any misunderstandings and problems that I didn’t understand right ways as to save time for myself to study or complete other things.

Managing time effectively

During this semester I had to be able to manage my time and understand that I have to be on a tight schedule to complete everything that I wanted to do at the highest possible level. I would make a schedule at home for the week or next few weeks try to stick to it as best as I could while adapting to anything that happened to arise out of the blue. I really tried to focus on staying strict to it as it made my life much easier.


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