In this photo the meal has all the nutritious things a person needs in a meal, for protein there is chicken, for vegetables I have potatoes, broccoli, and beans, for carbs the coating on the chicken, and my potatoes. I really enjoy having meals like this because eating all the foods that you need in one meal makes you feel very good after you shouldn’t feel too gross like after eating a greasy meal. When cooking I prefer not to use to much salt, butter, or oil because consuming to much of these can be bad for your system sodium can cause mild-severe dehydration, and having to much oil or butter can cause blockages in you bowels as butter has a lot of fats. Yams should be you go to potatoes rather than the regular white potatoes the reasoning for this is because yams are higher in potassium and fiber. Yams have a lot less natural sodium than regular potatoes which makes yams better for you because to much sodium is not good for you as I mentioned earlier.
Core Competency Reflection
I find it easy to be part of a group because it makes it more fun I do not like working alone especially not for pe. it is not always super fun working in groups when you are not with people you know or very much like, but it is much better than having to work alone and figure everything out on your own.
I demonstrate respectful, inclusive behavior I show this in group work I am respectful to the people that I am working with and I try to be inclusive when I see someone working alone or if someone is without a group and mine is not full I try to invite others.
I can explain when something is unfair and advocate for others if I or someone else notices that something is unfair or not very kind I will usually say something.