Favourite Recipe

Greek Week

The Final Plate

Making and Sharing Reflection

For this Greek Week recipe we had to make many elements to create a full dinner. I liked the challenge of making some things I’ve never made before while creating a food product by incorporating feedback from others. I used this when replicating the dish from the recipe and taking the feedback from Ms. Bolli by making the pan hotter. I assessed my ability to work effectively both individually and collaboratively. When I worked with my partners especially hard to create the pita bread since it didn’t want to stay in a bigger circle shape but we problem solved and eventually got it to stay in a decently large circle. The final result of the plate was colourful to look at and filling to eat. In the end the dish was very cohesive which is reflective of how my group and I worked to create it.

Prompts used:

  1. Create a food product, incorporating feedback from self, others, and prototype testing.
  2. Assess their ability to work effectively both individually and collaboratively, including their ability to share and maintain an efficient co-operative workspace.

Core Competency Reflection

Examples of where I communicate clearly and purposefully can be seen in when I communicated to my group members to keep organized and complete the task at hand. This is because it was our first lab as a group and we had to communicate what we were doing since we haven’t cooked with each other before.

As an active listener, I notice that I can really work efficiently with my group when we all are communicated and listening to each other. I think I was successful with this skill as well with my group.

I show others that I truly value their contributions by complimenting them on whatever skill or task they have completed. Or I admire their work that they have done and give positive comments.

My goal is to improve on is while working in the kitchen, I help to build and extend understanding. I will do this by asking more questions to my group members and classmates. As well as ask Ms. Bolli and do research on topics I want more clarity on.


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