
1: Many people like to find wild ideas to explain things that we don’t understand. The Blood type horoscope is one of these explanations. However, though I don’t personally believe in blood type horoscopes to a full extent I do know some people that did. I had a Japanese friend named satoru who put his full belief in blood types, he would often say that I accurately represent the blood type O. This was quite intriguing because I do have O blood as well as some of the attributes of this horoscope. I like to believe that I have good confidence, ambition, and strong will. Through my personality this is evident as when I truly focus, I can achieve my goals. Still, I don’t fully trust blood horoscopes due to their superstitious nature and the lack of scientific proof supporting them.

2: I only surround myself with rational people and as a result don’t get close enough with people who believe in horoscopes for them to judge me.

3: Horoscopes are a fun tradition and provide a miniscule yet impactful bit of excitement in people’s lives, as a result people are likely continue believing in them but not in a serious manner. Horoscopes are a form of entertainment and so people continue to indulge in them.

4: I believe in Karma, personally I feel guilty when I so something bad to another person. if you don’t feel that guilt, I personally feel that the universe will convert that negative energy into something that will return to affect you in the future. Either way you get punished for doing a wrongful action.


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