Japanese Judicial system Reflection

the Japanese justice system is evidently poorly designed and is often times detrimental to innocent people. Justice to me is the distributing of righteous consequences to those who are deserving of it while preserving people who have done nothing wrong. Justice is the system which separates evil from good. Though japan is often considered one of the pinnacles of a peaceful country, its justice system is corrupt in my personal opinion. People are guilty before they are proven innocent, thus they are treated as criminals before they are properly classified as one. in western countries such as Canada, though our police are more intimidating. We uphold the rule of being innocent before being proven guilty, simply put our systems are in reverse order. We treat our convict as people until evidence of their crimes are brought forward. Because of this i prefer our justice system and disagree with Japans, people should retain their rights unless they are obviously guilty, it is basic morality.

Everyone typically thinks of Japan as an incredibly peaceful and civilized society due to them not allowing any form of violence in general. however the justice system is a steep contrast to this idea with there being an almost dystopian system compared to the rest of Japanese culture and society. To me its shocking because of that, how can a country be so well developed yet have such a dogmatic justice system.

Though some anime and manga may depict legal procedures realistically, showcasing the intricacies and challenges within the Japanese justice system. Others might simplify or dramatize court proceedings for entertainment purposes. This could potentially leading to misunderstandings about how the system actually operates. A good example of this is the Law anime ace attorney. simply put there is a glorification in how extreme the justice system is in japan because of the media based off it.


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