Show and Tell Presentation Reflection and Self- Assessment

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curricular response

i believe that the greatest strength of my presentation is how throughly i covered the important parts of my topic. During my presentation i had covered the history of the fear, what the fear actually is, a modern interpretation and a well chosen video. Each segment was interesting and i believe that i went in depth describing the various parts of this fear as i had practiced talking points previous to my presentation. Overall, i believe that the contents of my powerpoint is my strongest point during this assignment.

Regarding what i could have done better i believe that i could have made my presentation more interactive as i only included a few videos and answered a couple of questions regarding my topic. I wish i had included something such as a poll or supplementary handouts describing the fear and how one could learn more about it. This would have likely been more impactful for the audience as they would have a part to play in the presentation. The interest in my topic would thus be higher and the presentation and its lessons would possibly spark further learning independently for some people.

core competency self-assessment

I chose my topic based on my personal interest in Liminal spaces. I had already a surplus of knowledge on the topic through personal research throughout the years of knowing about this type of fear. Because of this i didn’t require any major research rather i just wrote about what i had knew previously. However i had reviewed myself on the history and lore of the Backrooms through the official Liminal spaces website just to ensure that i would provide accurate information. This coupled with some youtube videos had provided ample information to my already strong backbone of knowledge on liminal spaces.

I wish i could provide an in depth explanation on strategies i had used to gather information but due to the nature of my relation to liminal spaces i didn’t require any strategy. I had simply used knowledge i recalled through my years of learning about the topic of my own accord. I can hardly count using a website or watching youtube videos as a strategy however that is all i have to offer for this segment of my reflection.


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