How to use the exclamation mark by Randy Tang

What me and my partners did: we made a project explaining how to use certain punctuation marks that are used to end a sentence or other parts of writing such as quotes or parenthesis. my partners were Taylor Moore and Kaitlyn Neuls.

reflection: I think I did everything in my power to make this project turn out good, I tried my best to get my team together using emails but from the last time I’ve seen my project I don’t think much effort went into their ends. I am generally proud of my part because I think I explained how to use the exclamation mark well and was able to use online resources lot build my part of this project. I assume I used word with fairly good efficiency by utilizing images, the drawing function, shape inserts, fonts, bolding, italics, highlighting, coloured letters and more to decorate and explain the exclamation mark. this project was generally fun because I learned a lot about Microsoft word: this can help me do projects in the future quicker and with more skill.

All about Randy

My bio

hello all who are reading this, as you can probably tell my name is Randy and I’m here to tell you a bit about myself. I was born in Vancouver at the British Columbia Children’s hospital during 2004, and was raised here in Vancouver until I turned two when I went to my home country China for a year because my grandpa was sick and my father wanted to see him one last time before he passed. When my gramps passed away the year was 2007 and I went back to Canada so I could start preschool of which i can’t remember the name of. Anyways nothing really happened during preschool and elementary school-(Lord Baden Powell)-other than me picking up a hobby of playing Piano where currently I’m at level 7. Because of the lack of interesting events during that time span I will skip to middle school which was nothing really to behold either but to each their own I guess. I started grade six at Como Lake Middle where I met my two best friends Daniel Skournik and Austin Efford together we worked hard and achieved our middle school goals which some of mine are getting favourable grades, joining the army cadets, getting into AP math, learning to code python (a coding platform), learning marksmanship, passing all royal conservatory of music tests and gaining good social skills. In the present some of my goals are to earn a scholarship to MIT and get into as much AP classes as possible as well as learning to invest in stocks to make money to support my education. Overall I find fun in learning things I enjoy doing and I am exited for what this world has for me next.