








R1 – うらない

During this activity I discovered cool things about horoscopes and blood type horoscopes. I believe that some things may be accurate to myself when I read up on my horoscope but a lot of the things that my horoscope predicted about me could apply to a large percentage of the population. This was suspicious and it leads me to believe that horoscopes may be a scam. Despite this I believe that horoscopes are still fun and interesting idea. They shouldn’t be taken that seriously though and definately should not be used to determine someones personality.

Judging people based on horoscope isn’t good in my opinion as there is no solid scientific evidence that people’s blood type or month they were born in effects their personality in any way. Because of this I have never judged someone based on their horoscope.

I believe that horoscopes and superstitions are popular because they are fun and a cool way to explain things that are hard to understand to most people. They may also may be used as a excuse to explain bad behaviour by some people.