Japanese Judicial system Reflection

the Japanese justice system is evidently poorly designed and is often times detrimental to innocent people. Justice to me is the distributing of righteous consequences to those who are deserving of it while preserving people who have done nothing wrong. Justice is the system which separates evil from good. Though japan is often considered one of the pinnacles of a peaceful country, its justice system is corrupt in my personal opinion. People are guilty before they are proven innocent, thus they are treated as criminals before they are properly classified as one. in western countries such as Canada, though our police are more intimidating. We uphold the rule of being innocent before being proven guilty, simply put our systems are in reverse order. We treat our convict as people until evidence of their crimes are brought forward. Because of this i prefer our justice system and disagree with Japans, people should retain their rights unless they are obviously guilty, it is basic morality.

Everyone typically thinks of Japan as an incredibly peaceful and civilized society due to them not allowing any form of violence in general. however the justice system is a steep contrast to this idea with there being an almost dystopian system compared to the rest of Japanese culture and society. To me its shocking because of that, how can a country be so well developed yet have such a dogmatic justice system.

Though some anime and manga may depict legal procedures realistically, showcasing the intricacies and challenges within the Japanese justice system. Others might simplify or dramatize court proceedings for entertainment purposes. This could potentially leading to misunderstandings about how the system actually operates. A good example of this is the Law anime ace attorney. simply put there is a glorification in how extreme the justice system is in japan because of the media based off it.


1: Many people like to find wild ideas to explain things that we don’t understand. The Blood type horoscope is one of these explanations. However, though I don’t personally believe in blood type horoscopes to a full extent I do know some people that did. I had a Japanese friend named satoru who put his full belief in blood types, he would often say that I accurately represent the blood type O. This was quite intriguing because I do have O blood as well as some of the attributes of this horoscope. I like to believe that I have good confidence, ambition, and strong will. Through my personality this is evident as when I truly focus, I can achieve my goals. Still, I don’t fully trust blood horoscopes due to their superstitious nature and the lack of scientific proof supporting them.

2: I only surround myself with rational people and as a result don’t get close enough with people who believe in horoscopes for them to judge me.

3: Horoscopes are a fun tradition and provide a miniscule yet impactful bit of excitement in people’s lives, as a result people are likely continue believing in them but not in a serious manner. Horoscopes are a form of entertainment and so people continue to indulge in them.

4: I believe in Karma, personally I feel guilty when I so something bad to another person. if you don’t feel that guilt, I personally feel that the universe will convert that negative energy into something that will return to affect you in the future. Either way you get punished for doing a wrongful action.


I had used primarily the in class notes to study for tests and do assignments.


I believe that I had studied well enough for test as I had learned most material needed to do well. I believe that I could have done the test better however. This is because during the test I felt stress which meant I had made dumb mistakes such as using an old way to say something instead of the way we used during the studies.

core competencys:

An example of something I spent a lot of time learning about is the different literary devices the Japanese language use. I did this because it was needed to better understand the language and to effectively write complex sentences.

Some skills I used to develop my creative activities Is using art and reading as inspiration for the designs in my assignments. An example of this is the final project zine design which I had based off modern art that I had seen prior to doing the assignment.

to celebrate an accomplishment such as getting a good score on a assignment or test I like to take a break from studying and go to the gym to workout as well as work on my own personal projects such as my drop shipping platform and wood projects.

continuing learning

I will continue my learning of the Japanese language by reading up on Japanese books and trying to better understand past materials by rereading them, I will also likely take Japanese 12 so my learning is not over yet. hopefully I will be somewhat able to use Japanese as a third language by the end of my high school career.

if I could go back in time

I would tell myself to be more calm during tests as to not make dumb mistakes also to better focus in class so I have lesser workload for when I get home. This would have helped my overall semester one experience.

R1 – うらない

During this activity I discovered cool things about horoscopes and blood type horoscopes. I believe that some things may be accurate to myself when I read up on my horoscope but a lot of the things that my horoscope predicted about me could apply to a large percentage of the population. This was suspicious and it leads me to believe that horoscopes may be a scam. Despite this I believe that horoscopes are still fun and interesting idea. They shouldn’t be taken that seriously though and definately should not be used to determine someones personality.

Judging people based on horoscope isn’t good in my opinion as there is no solid scientific evidence that people’s blood type or month they were born in effects their personality in any way. Because of this I have never judged someone based on their horoscope.

I believe that horoscopes and superstitions are popular because they are fun and a cool way to explain things that are hard to understand to most people. They may also may be used as a excuse to explain bad behaviour by some people.