English First Peoples 11


This assignment is my artifact because of how it went. During this assignment I had originally not understood the learning material which resulted in a project that was unfocused and off topic. Despite the failure I prevailed by doing the entire assignment over again and put countless hours of time into perfecting my work. Eventually I had made something that was of quality of which I handed in getting a good mark. This assignment is a testament to will and what can be achieved if one works hard enough. This highlighted my thinking skill as I needed good mental fortitude to not give up on the work I was doing. This assignment had also built on my communication skills as I needed to communicate with my teacher to figure out what I had gotten wrong the first time as well as needing to discuss a hand in date. Finally I believe that this project had better explained Indigenous views on nature and life for me due to the correlations I needed to make with life and the eagle. Using an Indigenous point of view while writing it.

my digital footprint

creating a positive digital footprint


I used Microsoft Word to create this design, I went for a journal/article style

citing and references I used





personal/social Competency reflection

I know that my digital foot print can have both positive and negative consequences including…so I adjust my actions to…

I understand that my digital footprint can affect me in many ways such as making my life harder with people coming after me both online or and in real life If I post something bad and controversial. If you post only positive things many good things may come such as you’re accounts growing in a positive light and turning into pillars of inspiration and entertainment. I personally adjust my actions to not fall into the bad categories by not posting anything other than encouragement and soft criticism on YouTube.

by doing… online I make a positive difference to my peers

as I said before I post positive comments of encouragement to people to try and make them feel a sense of accomplishment, I especially like to do this on channels with smaller followings as a lot of them tend to feel a bit more happy which they show by liking my comment a personally thanking me.

some of the ways I work to build and maintain online friendships are…

I have a ps4 in my house which I like to play games on, in this gaming console you are able to friend people and hang out with them in an online environment (usually in game worlds). I friend only those who I think are kind and helpful. once I friend them I usually invite or join their gaming sessions and talk about various things about video games, personal hobbies or ask them things about their life such as what they like to do in their free time or what their favourite food is. I make sure to keep at least 10 online friends and hang out with all of them at least once during a span of two weeks.