Advertising Campaign for the Lipstick

1 Advertising technique: I used the bandwagon technique encouraging people to buy because” everyone else is using it. ”
2: Design choices: I chose clear and bold text to highlight the products benefits and create a sleek, professional look. The words ” emphasize the key advantages.
3: what to know about advertising: Advertising grabs attention by showing benefits and creating
trust. It makes products seem popular and desired.
4: core competency:
Improving my work: I used feedback to simplify and improve my design.
clear communication: I made the text easy to read and focused on key benefits.

simile illustration

core competency reflection: creative thinking

i can visualize images when i read words. The simile i drew is “we are like a cow and goat wanting to be friends “ i think that means the character was exited to wanting to be friends because
they are different from each other they speak different languages but thry want to be friends like cow and goat different but friends .

core competency self-assessment :food studies

I learned a lot of good things from this lab and it is very informative for me . How can I make it and we still went very well with my partner . the most challenging part in this lab was how to cook the egg well and I did it very good . I had full energy for this lab , I want to go to the end so that I can complete all my lessons and get good points . The way we are going now, I hope I can do better than this .