Photography 10

Core Competency- Thinking

I can confidently interact and build relationships with other group members to further shared goals.

Photography has been a great way to learn about new things with the camera and to communicate with other people. I have built friendships and interacted with people I wouldn’t interact with outside of this class and made new friends in this class. For example, for the assignments in photography I would partner with Jen because we are friends and in assignments, we share our ideas, and we would share our ideas to other people to help us finish the assignment so that we could both reach our goals in this class and be successful. Throughout this photography class i have also interacted and partnered with other people so that I can build a relationship with them and that helps you get to know them much better. I have chosen this image because I like how it turned out and we worked as a group to get these assignments finished and handed in. This was one of my favorite assignments because it was fun to make the lighting, and it just makes it look cool.

Math Core Competency


Personal/Social Reflection:

I used personal and social to talk to my classmates or my teacher if i need help with my math homework and I also socialize with other classmates to help others out or give my advice on a math equation on how I would solve the equation. I have improved in math slowly, at first the start of the math semester I wasn’t doing very well, I wasn’t focused. But now that i realized that i have to take this class seriously and i have to get better in this class. I have been more focused and ever since I have been slowly improving and getting more better in math and have passed some of my quiz and test. I have also in the beginning struggled with trig even though everyone says its easy but everyone is different and learn in different ways.


Communication Relfection:

I used communicating to communicate with my classmates, so i could get some help or help somebody else. I also use communication to communicate with my teacher so that he could help me and help me get better in math. Communication in math is important because you learn from others and you could learn for yourself. Showing the teacher that i am listening and understanding what teacher is teaching is by watching him do the notes with us for our new lesson and also writing some notes down in my math book. I really understood how to do 6.1-6.6 because at first i didn’t understand it but after talking with my partner and we went over it together i started to understand how to do it.


Thinking Reflection

I started chapter 1 before we started it in class and i read through 1.1 section and went through all of the notes and example to understand the concept of 1.1 properly. I also got a little help from my friend that had finished the 1.1 already and i had asked her for help so that i could really understand the concept of it and so that i wouldnt have trouble with doing it when we have the quiz or test. Some goals that i have reached are passing my quiz slowly and my test and i am really proud of that because i put the time and effort into doing my work.

Advertisement Persuasion Project

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Persuasion And Advertisement Technique

Persuasion And Advertisement Unit Reflection

  1. Its important because some advertisements are helpful, when you view a ad and you see how good the product is and how much easier it makes your life. It benefits you and the people that own the product or thing.
  2. I think that it is logical technique becasue people will believe that too because you can see it as logical.
  3. I think that it is Testimonial Appeal because if people see that celebrities’ are wearing the pair of shoes. You would want to wear it to because you would see that it is popular and everyone wears them.

Core Competency Reflection

Examples of where I communicated clearly and purposefully on this project can be seen in when I was giving some ideas about what we should do it on and what we should put in the advertisement post. I also was part of the idea on what to do for the advertisement.

I showed others that I truly valued their contributions by putting there ideas in the advertisement. I also came up with ideas and we came up with advertisement ideas.

I showed that I valued feedback from others in my group by if they don’t like the idea I don’t put it in the advertisement. If we both don’t want the idea we just wouldn’t put it.