Core Competency- Thinking
I can confidently interact and build relationships with other group members to further shared goals.
Photography has been a great way to learn about new things with the camera and to communicate with other people. I have built friendships and interacted with people I wouldn’t interact with outside of this class and made new friends in this class. For example, for the assignments in photography I would partner with Jen because we are friends and in assignments, we share our ideas, and we would share our ideas to other people to help us finish the assignment so that we could both reach our goals in this class and be successful. Throughout this photography class i have also interacted and partnered with other people so that I can build a relationship with them and that helps you get to know them much better. I have chosen this image because I like how it turned out and we worked as a group to get these assignments finished and handed in. This was one of my favorite assignments because it was fun to make the lighting, and it just makes it look cool.