Reflecting on My First Year

My Grade 9 year

During this school year I learned about the five species of asexual reproduction, how to cut and wax wood properly. After reading The Hunger Games and Dead Knights, I learned about the causes and consequences of the French Revolution, I learned about the glorious history of Washington, and I got in touch with football and tried to join the school team. I learned how to use ovens and stoves safely and correctly in the home economics class. tower.

My Favorite Website

This is a good website, I found some useful videos, which helped me, such as: how to sharpen the ring quickly (needed for my metal class), the hunger games explainer video some time ago. Overall this is a very useful site.

My Favorite Video

That is a video about HUNGER GAMES ,I considered the hunger games is a very interesting and brave movie.

My Favorite Image

The day I met such a day, so fantastic and unique. As I took the photo, I still can Unblieve The Sky.

This is by far the best and peculiar photo I’ve taken this year.

My Favorite Quote

This is a quote that I really recognize, fit for me and for others.

Works Cited

Tengyuen, Ngan. “40 Free Motivational and Inspirational Quotes Wallpapers / Posters.” GeckoandFly, 1 Jan. 2020,

The Hunger Games Official Trailer #1 – Movie (2012) HD., Accessed 15 June 2023.

YouTube. Accessed 15 June 2023.

Advertisement Persuasion Project

My Advertisement

Persuasion and Advertisement Techniques

Persuasion and Advertisement Unit Reflection

  • · Why is it important to remember who benefits from the advertisement when you view an advertisement?

In this way, I can judge whether I need this thing, or whether people around me need it.

  • · Choose one form of persuasion and explain why it is effective in persuading you/an audience: logical, ethical, emotional on an audience

logical, Because according to the logic of this thing: I need it, and it is practical and cheap, so why not buy it?

  • Choose an advertising technique and explain why it is effective in selling a product.

Visual effects, thinking that if you can’t decide it’s you at the first sight of the audience, then you need too much competition.

Core Competency Reflection

  • An example of where I built upon someone else’s ideas is…

“Think about problems from the perspective of others.” I have seen and learned this truth from books a long time ago. So when designing an advertisement, I observed it from the perspective of people in need and made changes to my original design.

  • One strategy or activity that stimulated my imagination on this project was…

For me, reading is an activity that diverges my thinking and stimulates my imagination. Usually when I encounter a problem with something, I will read a book and try to find the answer from the book.

  • · I used to think boring about advertisement and now I know its purpose because Advertising can better promote something, allowing the audience to better discover and buy it.