Show and Tell Presentation Reflection and Self- Assessment

Curricular Response

I believe the strengths of my show and tell was the information and the quiz I made. I thought that my information was a strength because it was well thought out and researched. The information was also important to know because there are real life problems that stereotypes contribute to. I thought my quiz was a strength because it kept the class interested and engaged in my presentation.

Next time, I would practice going over my slides a few times before presenting. This would make me feel more comfortable presenting in front of the class. I would also start my project earlier and do small parts of it everyday instead of doing it in four days.

Core Competency Self-Assessment

I chose to research about horror movie cliques because I watch a lot of classic slasher movies like Scream and Halloween. I noticed that there were a lot of similarities between the characters in this type of film. This made me interested on why the characters were so similar and why that could be a negative thing.

To collect information relevant to my presentation I had to look through many different websites.. Many websites had the same information, so it was hard for me to find unique or different information about my presentation. However, I just kept searching different things and eventually a website with different information would come up.

The Crucible Essay

To interpret the behavior of the characters in The Crucible, we can analyze Kohlberg’s moral precepts. This essay will explain the characters’ motivation for their actions. To get a full understanding of The Crucible, the essay will include a variety of characters with distinct actions. Studying Kohlberg’s precepts allows us to understand behaviors that on the surface seem confusing or strange. Throughout the essay, we will begin to learn that people do these things due to pre-conventional, conventional, and post-conventional behavior.  

There are numerous characters in The Crucible that illustrate pre-conventional behavior and actions. The idea of pre-conventional behavior is when you act in a way to avoid punishment or obtain a reward. The first character who displays these actions is Tituba. She displays pre-conventional behavior when she confesses to a crime, she is not guilty of. She does this because Reverend Parris threatens to “whip [Tituba] to [her] death.” To avoid being whipped, Tituba confesses to witchcraft. She decides that going to jail, whilst being innocent is better than death. Another pre-conventional character is Abigail Williams. She proves to be a pre-conventional character when she makes up stories of witchcraft. John Proctor claims she does this because she wants to “dance with [John] on [his] wife’s grave.” Abigail is in love with John Proctor, but he has a wife, Elizabeth Proctor. Abigail starts the rumors of witchcraft to kill Elizabeth without causing suspension on herself. Abigail eventually accused Elizabeth of witchcraft. She does this because her reward is to be with John. The last example that displays behavior to avoid punishment is Betty. She pretends to be cursed by witchcraft after she dances in the forest. Abigail knows Betty is pretending when she says, “Sit up and stop this.” Betty is faking being cursed because she knows dancing is highly punishable in the town of Salem. Betty only begins to talk and move again when she finds a way to not get disciplined for dancing in the woods. She accuses other women of witchcraft along with Abigail and Tituba. These characters are many examples highlighted of pre-conventional behaviors in The Crucible.  

Many characters in The Crucible exemplify conventional behavior. These people behave in a specific way to obtain group acceptance. Mary Warren is the first conventional character. She tried to fit into the group of girls when she claimed she saw “spirits, spirits” in the courtroom. Mary Warren tries to fit in by pretending to see spirits created by witches. Mary is described in the play as a quiet, mousey girl. It would be hard for her to stand up to Abigail and the other girls due to these characteristics. The second character who displays the need for group acceptance is Mercy Lewis. She acts as if she can see the same spirits Abigail claims to see. She tells the court the spirit is “on the beam! Behind the rafter!” Mercy Lewis did this because Abigail did it. Abigail is the clear leader of the group of girls. If the girls want to fit in, they must do what Abby says is right. The final example of a conventional character is John Proctor. He proves he is conventional when he thinks he has “good reason to think before [he] charge[s] fraud on Abigail.” Abigail told John she does not believe in witches and is faking the attacks on herself. He hesitates to tell the court about this because it will lead to further questions about his and Abigail’s relationship. John does not want to confess his affair with Abigail because the people of Salem will judge him. If he were to confess, he would be considered a ‘bad Christian’ and socially excluded from the town of Salem. This paragraph has proved there are many examples to find conventional characters in The Crucible.  

There are multiple examples in The Crucible that illustrate post-conventional characters. Post-conventional is when a person behaves in a way that reflects their internal value system. This is without regard for punishment, reward, or group acceptance. The first example from The Crucible of a character with this behavior is John Hale. John Hale reflects post-conventional behavior when he exclaims, that he “quit[s] this court!” The court system was immensely powerful and only benefitted Reverend Hale. The court could have punished Hale for quitting. Claiming he was against the court, meaning he was ‘with the devil.’ Despite this, Hale quit the court due to his moral standards. He believes the people of Salem are innocent of witchcraft and the court is unjust. He feels guilty for the people who have been punished for a crime they did not commit. He quit the court to show his dislike for the justice system. The court made him powerful, yet he grew as a character and cared more for his personal values. This proves he acts solely on his morals. Giles Corey is another post-conventional character. Corey “cannot give” the court the name of the man who informed him Ruth Putnam was being deceptive for her father to get more land. The court results in arresting Corey and torturing him in an attempt to get the name. Corey resists the torture because he believes to protect the person who gave him the information. He does not want the informer to get arrested. He does this due to his own moral code. He dies as a result of upholding his moral standards and not giving the name. The last post-conventional character is Rebecca Nurse. She refuses to confess to witchcraft because “it is a lie.” Rebecca Nurse is a character of high morals. She is a ‘perfect Christian’ throughout the play. Rebecca believes that confessing to a crime she is innocent of will make her a ‘bad Christian.’ The court begs her to confess to witchcraft to avoid her hanging. Due to her moral standards, Rebecca would rather die than lie and confess to witchcraft. These three characters perfectly reflect post-conventional behavior due to their personal moral standards and refusal to succumb to punishment, reward, or group acceptance.  

In this essay, we used Kohlberg’s moral precepts to get an in-depth understanding of the characters in The Crucible. This essay clearly explains why the characters behaved in these unusual ways. Further, it explained pre-conventional, conventional, and post-conventional behavior and how it applied to each character individually. One can now understand the motivation these characters had for their actions. 

Core Competency Self-Assessment

Critical and Reflective Thinking

Our justice system should be more rehabilitative. Jails are made for people to serve a punishment and be put back into society. People make mistakes and are often harshly punished for it in jail. Jail is a hard punishment because of the system that is set up. Instead of rehabilitating the inmates to be a better member of society, jails are meant to mentally and physically affect the inmate. People who are put in jail for a mistake are often released and become a worse member of society because of the mental effects of the system. At this moment, people who have served their punishment are put back into society with very little support. After being in the criminal justice system it is hard to get a job. Without systems in place to help past convicts, our society will not get better and will not prevent crimes from happening.

I can analyze evidence to make judgments. Writing this paragraph I used evidence from Canadian articles about the Canadian justice system to make my point about rehabilitation. I also considered other’s ideas about the Canadian justice system. 

Pre-Calculus 11 Core Competency Self-Assessment

Core Competency Reflection

Working collaboratively with others. This semester in pre-calculus, we did a lot of group work. I really enjoyed working with my group and I felt it helped me understand the math better. I thought it helped me because we all had different levels of understanding for each chapter. For example, a member of the group would have a good understanding of graphing linear equalities and explain it to the group members who didn’t understand the concept. This was helpful to me because when I didn’t understand something I could get it explained to me and different way then the teacher explained it. It was also helpful to explain the concepts to other group members. Explaining how to do the math helped me further my understanding. I think I did well communicating with my group when I didn’t understand or when I needed to help them understand. I also did well catching my group member’s mistakes and explaining what they did wrong. Overall, being in a group was very helpful to further my understanding of pre-calculus.

Managing time effectively. I felt that in the class, I kept focus on my work. I limited myself to distractions and really focused on finishing my work. This helped me finished all my work during class, so I didn’t have to do it after school. When I did get homework, I would try to do it right away in flex or CENT time. This helped me to not procrastinate and finish the work. When we had tests I would put aside time to study depending on my understanding of the chapter. I could also study in my first block after I finished my work, which I would do often. This was helpful because it kept my memory fresh as pre-calculus is my second block. I think time management helped me succeed in this course.

Committing to Individual practice. When I finished my workbook questions that were assigned I would often do extra questions to get extra understanding of the concept. I think this really helped push me over the edge of proficient to extending on most of my tests and quizzes. I would do this in class after I finished my work or in flex/CENT time when I had nothing to do. I think having extra time to do my work like flex or CENT time helped me in all my classes.

Advice for Future Students

My biggest piece of advice for students next year is to keep up with the workbook questions. Either if you missed a day or you didn’t finished in class it is important to not fall behind because this class goes fast. The chapters also build on each other, so keeping up is very important to understanding other chapters. I would also recommend doing the workbook questions as soon as they’re assigned to not procrastinate your work and fall behind. The work piles up and you will fall behind if you don’t do it right away. Learning the math vocabulary is also important. It may seem like you don’t need to know it, but it comes up on the test. It is an easy question if you take the time to know the vocabulary.

French 11 Movie Posters

Collaborating and Communication

In my poster I demonstrated collaboration and communication in my poster by making the poser then presenting it to my teacher. My partner and I discussed what movie we wanted to make our project on then split up the work equally. She took over writing about the characters and genre as well as designing the poster. I wrote the critiques, summary and showtimes. We had to talk about the movie because we had both watched a while ago and had forgotten parts of the movie. Talking to each other helped us piece together the missing parts we had forgotten. We also discussed what parts of the project we would present. Together we put together a good poster and presentation. I communicated the skills I have learned in French by presenting the poster to my teacher. I had to tell her about the movie in French. I showed her that I had the skills to speak and describe a movie in French. Overall, my partner and I got a good mark on our poster and presentation.

Transforming Parabolas

My parabola:

Parent parabola:

Both Parabolas

The green line is the parent parabola and the blue line is the transformed parabola

My parabola:

Parent parabola:

The significance of a, h and k in my equation

Changing the a, h, or k in an equation will change the parabola. Changing the ‘a’ will either compress or stretch the parabola. The ‘a’ value being positive or negative will also change the parabola to either reflect the parent or point upwards like the parent. In my equation, the parabola became compressed and opens upward like the parent parabola. Since my parabola has a number farther away from 0 (4), the parabola becomes compressed smaller. The ‘a’ in my equation is also positive so it opens upwards just like the parent parabola. The ‘h’ in equations makes the parabola shift horizontally (across the x-axis). This makes the ‘x’ part of the vertex positive or negative. In my equation, ‘h’ made the parabola shift horizontally 3 to the right. This made the ‘h’ +3. The ‘k’ in equations makes the parabola shift vertically (across the y-axis). This makes the ‘y’ part of the vertex positive or negative. In my equation, ‘k’ made the parabola shift vertically 6 down. This made the ‘k’ -6. Overall my parabola changed from the parent parabola because it compressed, horizontally shifted to the right, and vertically shifted down.


Give an example from this assignment where you represented the same mathematical idea in multiple ways?

I represented how parabolas would change in different ways by using my parabola as an example as wells as explaining how other parabolas would change. I explained that parabolas could change positively or negatively and shift horizontally and vertically. I also used graphs to explain how my parabola changed from the parent parabola. This can help visually explain what is happening to the parabola.

Give an example from this assignment where you used mathematical vocabulary to demonstrate your understanding

I used words like compress, horizontal shift, vertical shift, and opens upwards to describe how my parabola changed from the parent parabola. This showed my understanding by showing that I knew what the vocabulary meant and how it looks in a mathematical equation.

Give an example from this assignment where you used formatting to share the information in a clear and organized way.

I used formatting like headers and bold words to share the information in an organized way. The headers made the information clearer to read and organized the questions into different sections. The bold words showed my understanding of math vocabulary and also allows the reader to pay attention to certain words. The bold words can make it easier to read the paragraph because it makes the important information clearer.

Facing a Challenge

Correct solution
First attempt

The first time I tried this problem I found it challenging because there were a lot of steps needed to solve the equation. When doing this problem I had trouble knowing when to FOIL the equation. The mistake I made on my first attempt to solve the problem was that I FOILED when I didn’t need to. I thought that there was more than one term. I realized that I had made a mistake when it looked too complicated for me to solve. I checked the answer key and discover that I did not need to FOIL. I did not need to FOIL because there was only one term. After I identified my mistake using the answer key, I was able to correctly solve the equation. To solve this equation I needed the skills to FOIL, combine like radicals and cancel out the radical. Next time I encounter a difficult problem I will try to read the question carefully and try to identify the difference between multiple terms vs a single term.

English First Peoples 11 Reflection

My Artifact

The Marrow Thieves essay

Curricular Competencies Reflection

Create and Communicate:

While working on this project I grew in my writing and representation skills. This essay made me reflect on the book as well as my writing. I don’t wrote essays often, so this helped me build a writing style that is professional as well as contains my own voice. I was able to represent the book and my own ideas. I could build upon and back up my ideas with evidence from the book. I will use the skills I build from this essay and put it towards my future assignments.

Core Competencies Reflection

Critical Thinking:

While working on this project I had to use my critical thinking to brainstorm and read between the lines of the book. I had to use critical thinking to come up with evidence that supports my essay topic. I researched evidence that supported my thesis to create a well researched essay. I will continue to use critical thinking to support my essays in the future.

Acid-Base Titration

Initial volume of the buret: 0.14±0.05mL
Final volume of the buret: 15.96±0.05mL

Curricular Competency Explanation

A titration is way to find a concentration of a unknown solution by using the concentration of a known solution. In this lab, the titration is using the known NaOH concentration to find the unknown HCl concentration. The endpoint of the titration is when the indicator changes colour. This shows that the acid-base is neutralized. The endpoint in this titration, is when the indicator is the lightest possible shade of pink for at least 30 seconds. The result of my lab were that the concentration of the HCl was 0.148M to get the lightest shade of pink.

Core Competency Reflection

In this lab, I had to use a lot of communication. I had to collaborate with my lab partner in order to complete the lab. My lab partner and I had to get the correct equipment required for the lab which needed communication. We also had to split-up the tasks to get the lab done in time. Splitting up the tasks was very helpful because we had different strengths and we could still help each other out. Communication in this lab was very important, because the amount of NaOH had to be exact and added to the HCl very carefully. We took turns adding the NaOH in, so we both got practice doing it. During this lab we not only needed to communicate with each other, but also with the teacher. We needed to ask the teacher questions in order to successfully complete the lab. In the end, we were able to complete the lab and find the concentration of HCl.

English First Peoples 11 Reflection

My Artifact:

A infographic of what I learned from the story “The Mountain Legend” by Jordan Wheeler

Curricular Competencies Reflection

Comprehend and Connect

While doing this assignment I grew in my reading skills. I was able to understand and comprehend the story I was reading to come up with my own ideas about the story. Doing this assignment allowed me to further connect to the story and helped me to show my understanding through writing and images. I could infer the main characters personality by clues in the story. I feel that this showed that I had a good understanding of the story.

Core Competencies Reflection

Thinking CC – Creative Thinking

I showed creative thinking in this assignment when doing the design of my poster. I had to face a challenge when I had trouble fitting all of my work into one infographic. Most of the pre-made templates do not have enough space for what I was writing. I did not realize I did not have enough room until I was almost done with my infographic. I had to use my creative thinking to re-organize my poster to fit all of my information. I decided to use a different template to fit everything well. While making the poster I got stuck because ideas were not coming to me. To help my flow of ideas I organized my thoughts to generate some ideas and put them on paper. It worked because after I did this I had plenty of ideas. Overall, my infographic allowed me to use creative thinking to design and generate ideas.