Collaborating and Communicating

When creating our Rube Goldberg Machine, there were many examples of our collaboration and communication. Firstly, we had to work together to think of what features we would decide to include. This was shown when we all brainstormed ideas and agreed on some or got inspiration from each others’ ideas to make them better. This demonstrates how we can conspire and communicate as a group. In addition, we helped each other get through obstacles. We displayed this when we failed an attempt or something wouldn’t work how it should’ve and we helped each other find a solution or a different option to achieve our goal. This illustrates good cooperation and persistence within the group. Finally, we all participated equally to make the machine work in the best way. We showed our participation when we had to come up with strategies to make steps work more seamlessly, for example, changing the way something is arranged or adding mass to weigh something down. This makes it evident that we can all split the work equally in a group. Because of the examples mentioned, it is clear that we are able to work fairly in a team setting and contribute to group discussions.