In this assignment, I was able to demonstrate communication as we had to work together as group and agree on what to write about. I was able to contribute to the assignment by putting forth ideas while also listening to the ideas of other group members in order to collaborate and develop a good paper. We were also able to split our roles and choose one person to write without any problems or conflicts. Everyone was able to work together in a positive way and create a good environment where we were able to complete the assignment to our best efforts and we were able to get a good mark as a result.
Collaboration: For this lab, me and my partner had to collaborate when finding different parts to label them correctly. We had to work well with each other and communicate our thoughts and ideas about how we would complete the lab well. We also had to make sure we divided the work evenly and each got a chance to work on dissecting and labeling the pig. Me and my partner were able to collaborate well with each other and we were able to complete the lab fully and were even able to unravel the intestines of the pig and measure them.
Thinking: This lab required lots of critical and creative thinking. We showed this when we found the parts of the pig to label with the correct label. This took lots of thinking back to lessons and things we had learned in class. We needed to interpret 2D diagrams we had seen and find those parts on a 3D pig. This took thinking and connecting skills.
I can form new ideas to create new things. I can also build on the ideas of others. I demonstrated this when me and my partner had to come up with ideas for the story. I also demonstrated this when we formed ideas based on each others ideas.
I can develop a body of creative work over time. Over a few days, me and my parter were able to put together a flowing comic strip and we were able to make it have a good appearance as well.
I consider more than one way to proceed in an investigation. When me and my partner were creating our comic strip, we were either going to create the drawings first or we were going to do the writing first. We decided to do the writing first because it was the harder part.
I can persevere over time to develop my ideas, and I expect setbacks and failure, but use that to develop my ideas. At first me and my partner had troubles thinking of ideas but over time, we put each others ideas together and used them to come up with an idea.
My goal is to improve my knowledge in the Spanish language by studying more for tests and quizzes.
In this assignment, I demonstrated my thinking skills by working with a partner to find ways to sort the buttons in the most logical way. We had to analyze all the buttons and judge wether they belonged in the same group or if they should be separated. To keep separating them further we had to find differences between the buttons and agree on which one made the most sense to choose. We also had to remain open minded to explore and weigh the different options to separate the buttons by. When biologically naming our buttons we had to examine the features that made them unique and name them in latin or greek. This assignment has helped me practice using my critical, reflective, and creative thinking skills and it has helped them grow and develop.
Social Awareness and Responsibly – Musical Theatre
When creating the show, I enjoyed the sense of community and practicing all the acting and scenes as well as the dance numbers. I enjoyed experiencing the show come together. On the other hand, I didn’t like the late nights staying at theatre because it left us with barely any time to be able to finish homework and do other things at home. It also limited how much free time we had during the week. Throughout the production, I was able to develop my acting and social skills by “coming out of my shell” and preforming in an act. The cast all supported me and helped me be better. If I was able to do this again, I would’ve been more social with new people and put myself out there more. Overall it was a good experience.
There were many examples during this lab that illustrate our creative thinking. To begin, we had to figure out a design and be creative. We did this by working together and thinking of how to create our catapult. In addition, while making the catapult itself, we had to be creative. We needed to build it using creativity for structure and how it would work. Finally, we needed to be creative with solving problems with the catapult. We did this by thinking of solutions to create a better designed catapult. Because of the mentioned examples, it’s clear that in order to make the catapult, we had to think creatively.
I make digital ethical choices such as being aware of my online activity in order to keep my digital footprint to a minimum.
I know that my digital footprint can have both positive and negative consequences, including the fact that it is not as private as you think so I adjust my actions to make sure i would be fine with anyone seeing my online activity.
Some of my preferred strategies for maintaining a healthy, balanced online presence include having very private accounts and not posting much.
Works Cited:
‘How To Protect Your Digital Footprint’. Morgan Stanley, Accessed 30 Apr. 2022.
Protecting Your Online Identity and Reputation (for Teens) – Nemours KidsHealth. Accessed 30 Apr. 2022.
Shares, 1 9k, and 41k Reads. ‘Top 5 Reasons Why You Need a Social Media Manager’. Search Engine Journal, 21 Oct. 2021,
When creating our Rube Goldberg Machine, there were many examples of our collaboration and communication. Firstly, we had to work together to think of what features we would decide to include. This was shown when we all brainstormed ideas and agreed on some or got inspiration from each others’ ideas to make them better. This demonstrates how we can conspire and communicate as a group. In addition, we helped each other get through obstacles. We displayed this when we failed an attempt or something wouldn’t work how it should’ve and we helped each other find a solution or a different option to achieve our goal. This illustrates good cooperation and persistence within the group. Finally, we all participated equally to make the machine work in the best way. We showed our participation when we had to come up with strategies to make steps work more seamlessly, for example, changing the way something is arranged or adding mass to weigh something down. This makes it evident that we can all split the work equally in a group. Because of the examples mentioned, it is clear that we are able to work fairly in a team setting and contribute to group discussions.
This past week, I have learned a lot about character, setting and mood in a story and how it can make a big impact on the reader’s prospective. This includes using identity markers for the characters to find out who they are more in depth by finding references to them in the story and analyzing them. All detailed mentions about the physical appearance of a character are important for the reader to imagine the story and it helped me create an avatar for my character. Determining the setting of the story is also very crucial to the experience of the reader. It can be determined by examining the time period, where it takes place, who is in it, the culture, and the mood of the story. In a book or story, the mood is the ambience or atmosphere of the plot and it helps to paint a picture for the reader. The storyline of this book is mysterious and our character’s death is mournful, so we tried to select a song that fit in with both of those characteristics of the story. Because of the afore mentioned items, it is evident that from this weeks experience, I have learned about character, setting and mood and how important they are to a story.
Core Competency Reflection
In discussions and conversations, I help to build and extend understanding by collaborating with others and stating my opinions and ideas to try and help make group decisions and I let everyone share their ideas and opinions as a group.
I use evidence to make judgements or decisions. When making the character markers and the avatars, we had to use evidence and statements from the novel to make conclusions and inferences about our characters and settings.
When I need to work collaboratively with people I don’t know well, I try to make everyone feel welcomed and included by introducing myself and discussing things as a group. I also try to collaborate with them by putting out ideas and valuing their opinions, ideas and criticisms.
One skill I have developed to make my creative activities better are being able to recognize the detail in description in a story and being able to experience the novel in a different way depending on the level of detail and vocabulary within it. I can now use that creative skill in the future when writing, explaining, analyzing, and more.