Throughout the past few presentations, I have learned many different strategies and ways I could potentially save a life. These strategies are very important to know as we never know when something could happen to someone we know or even a stranger. One of the main things I learned is that if you perform CPR on someone but they don’t survive or they do survive but have an injury from it, you cannot be sued as you were trying to help the person and are covered under The Good Samaritans Act. This makes me less hesitant to go help someone who needs CPR. I also learned that CPR can be performed on anyone no matter their age unless they have a medical reason it cannot be performed. This taught me that CPR can be done on a baby as well as an elderly person of any age and I now know I don’t need to know the persons age before doing CPR. In addition, I learned that Naloxone is a drug that can reverse the effects of an overdose and anyone is able to go get a Naloxone kit for free at any drug store. This is important to know as having a kit with you can save someone’s life. All of these things will help me to feel more confident helping someone in a life threatening situation.
I can analyze evidence to make judgements. I can do this by recognizing when someone is having a health issue and analyzing their pulse, breathing, airway, skin tone, and consciousness to see if they are in need of help. Then, I can make judgements to see what kind of help is necessary, for example, CPR or Naloxone.