Racism in Canada

There are many examples in Canadian history that illustrate the concept of racism and discrimination in our society. To begin, from the beginning of Canada’s history, the white man has been discriminatory towards indigenous people. This is demonstrated during the fur trade when the white man came to Canada and treated the natives as if they were not human. They stole their lands and furs and cheated them in trade. This bigotry was continued with residential schools and clearly shows how the Canadian government and the people were very discriminative in the history of Canadian First Nations peoples. In addition, Canadians were against Italians immigrating to the country. This is evident because, after the Second World War, Italians that had come to Canada were considered enemy aliens and seen as violent people or criminals. Canadians would beat them and call them derogatory terms. Employers would also not hire them just for being Italian. This shows the hatred that Canadians had towards the Italian people. Finally, a more recent example of racism in Canada is that some Canadian people were racist against Chinese people during Covid-19. This is illustrated when Chinese people were being blamed for causing the virus or bringing it here and people would act as if they had covid just because it came from China. This demonstrates that there is still intolerance against Asians in our community. Although we have made racism a big problem in our society’s past, I think we have gotten better at respecting people for who they are. Reading and discussing the novel “In the Heat of The Night” has made me understand how terrible racism truly is and how it can affect people. It has also given me a better understanding of how minorities can feel. Because of the aforementioned items, it is clear that racism is a horrid act that has been displayed in Canada in many ways and needs to end.

Works Cited

‘Colonization’. Facing History and Ourselves, https://www.facinghistory.org/stolen-lives-indigenous-peoples-canada-and-indian-residential-schools/historical-background/colonization. Accessed 26 Apr. 2022.

Italophobia. http://www.italiancanadianww2.ca/theme/detail/italophobia. Accessed 26 Apr. 2022.

Wells, Nick. ‘Chinese-Canadians Voice Worries about Racism, Job Losses One Year into Pandemic’. Coronavirus, 8 Feb. 2021, https://www.ctvnews.ca/health/coronavirus/chinese-canadians-voice-worries-about-racism-job-losses-one-year-into-pandemic-1.5299682.

Geography Project – Fort McMurray

I inquired into and presented a topic of interest and related to my studies:

I chose Fort McMurray because I was interested in the rich oil industry so I applied that to the project by explaining the ways that the oil industry provides profit and helps the economy.

I analyzed evidence from the research I did and made judgements:

I took the fact that the area has flat land and analyzed it to think of golf courses as a source of income for the area.

I worked with others in times of research, to achieve a goal:

During our work block for the project, I read over other peoples projects for spelling or grammar mistakes to help them. I also got inspiration from their work.

Heat of the Night: The Movie

My Movie

Character, Setting & Mood

This past week, I have learned a lot about character, setting and mood in a story and how it can make a big impact on the reader’s prospective. This includes using identity markers for the characters to find out who they are more in depth by finding references to them in the story and analyzing them. All detailed mentions about the physical appearance of a character are important for the reader to imagine the story and it helped me create an avatar for my character. Determining the setting of the story is also very crucial to the experience of the reader. It can be determined by examining the time period, where it takes place, who is in it, the culture, and the mood of the story. In a book or story, the mood is the ambience or atmosphere of the plot and it helps to paint a picture for the reader. The storyline of this book is mysterious and our character’s death is mournful, so we tried to select a song that fit in with both of those characteristics of the story. Because of the afore mentioned items, it is evident that from this weeks experience, I have learned about character, setting and mood and how important they are to a story.

Core Competency Reflection

In discussions and conversations, I help to build and extend understanding by collaborating with others and stating my opinions and ideas to try and help make group decisions and I let everyone share their ideas and opinions as a group.

I use evidence to make judgements or decisions. When making the character markers and the avatars, we had to use evidence and statements from the novel to make conclusions and inferences about our characters and settings.

When I need to work collaboratively with people I don’t know well, I try to make everyone feel welcomed and included by introducing myself and discussing things as a group. I also try to collaborate with them by putting out ideas and valuing their opinions, ideas and criticisms.

One skill I have developed to make my creative activities better are being able to recognize the detail in description in a story and being able to experience the novel in a different way depending on the level of detail and vocabulary within it. I can now use that creative skill in the future when writing, explaining, analyzing, and more.

Meal Planning Assignment


A busy family needs help creating a meal plan that works with everyone’s schedule while including every family member to do their fair share. 


DayPerson CookingServing AmountMeal TimeFood
MondayParent A6 Servings6:00 pmPasta with Tomato Sauce
TuesdayTeen 14 Servings6:00 pmChickpea Cauliflower Curry
WednesdayParent B4 Servings6:45 pmBeef and Spinach Lasagna & Caprese Salad
ThursdayParent B4 Servings6:00 pmGinger Glazed Salmon
FridayTeen 2 & Parent A8 Servings6:00 pmWaffles & Eggs
Caprese Salad
Waffles & Eggs
Pasta with Tomato Sauce


Monday will work well because Parent A who is cooking the meal gets home at 4:30 pm and can cook the meal. Dinner will be ready at 6:00 pm and since it’s pasta which is a simple dish, Parent B will be able to finish their dinner before leaving for the gym at 7:00 pm. They will be making 6 portions so that it can be for their lunch the next day.

Tuesday’s plan will work well because Teen 1 is cooking and gets home at 3:30 pm and will have dinner ready by the time Parent A gets home at 6 pm. By this time everyone in the family will be home and Teen 2 will have enough time to eat before leaving for soccer if they get ready for soccer before dinner at 6 pm

On Wednesday, Parent B gets home at 5:30 pm and has enough time to cook a more complex meal since nobody has anything after that time on Wednesday. The dinner will be ready at 6:45 pm which works for everyone and gives the teenagers time to do their homework before dinner.

Thursday has a good plan because Parent B will get home at 5:30 pm and have dinner ready at 6 pm. By this time, everyone will be home form their activities and commitments like work. This will give them lots of free time after dinner for homework and family time.

Friday is very efficient because Teen 2 will be cooking with the help of Parent A. This means that Teen 2 can start preparing the food when they get home at 3:30 pm and Parent A can help them cook the meal when they get home. It is also efficient because they will be making 8 portions and only three people will be eating it that night since Teen 1 eats dinner at work. This means that 5 portions will be left and they will be used on the weekend for breakfast or brunch.

Collaboration Reflection

We all communicated with each other and shared our ideas. We tried to split up the work fairly and did it in a way that was efficient. Each person chose one day of the week to make a meal plan and to figure out how much time they have to make the meals. Valeria worded some of the ideas. Zoey, Aunjali, and Emma typed up the questions. Emma found the waffles and eggs recipe. Aunjali found the Tomato sauce pasta recipe. Valeria found the Caprese salad recipe. To share our work using technology, we created a shared word document and typed out all our ideas and answers. We also used Edublog to create our posts and we used internet browsers to find recipes. Everyone was familiar or at least had used these things at least once. Personally, I worded some of the phrases we typed, did the schedule for Wednesday, and I wrote my justifications for the days of the week. I also found pictures for the recipes we added and found the recipe for the Caprese salad.


Added recipes:

Easy Waffles Recipe | Martha Stewart

Simple Scrambled Eggs Recipe | Get Cracking

Penne With Tomato Sauce Pasta Recipe by Tasty






About Me

My Bio

My name is Valeria and I am a grade 9 student at Centennial Secondary School. I have two siblings, a brother and a sister. My family is Catholic and Italian and I speak fluent Italian. I have been to Italy three times and it is breathtaking. In Italy we visited the Roman Colosseum, the Trevi Fountain, the Vatican, and family that lives there. Other than Italy, I have been to Colombia and the United States. I love travelling to places around the world because I love exploring new scenery, cultures and languages. This is why I chose to take Spanish as my language elective. Since I have been to Colombia and the language is similar to Italian, I am enjoying it. Some other courses I took include PE and Drafting. I enjoy PE because I love sports and I play and watch soccer. My favourite professional soccer team is Juventus. I chose to take drafting because I have always been interested in architecture and house design, and because I’m artistic. I love art and photography, I especially like to take photos with the camera focused on an object and the background blurred. Some words to describe me are sporty, artistic, adventurous, and creative.


“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”

~ Philippians 4:13


I chose this video because a goal I have for this year is to memorize all the elements of the periodic table so that I can be ready for grade ten chemistry and so that it is faster to find the answers to questions on worksheets and tests. Another goal related to this video is that I am aiming to get an A in my Science 9 class. I will achieve this goal by going to tutorial when needed, managing my time well, and studying for tests and quizzes early and thoroughly.



This website is a soccer news site and I enjoy going on it during my free time to look at news about Juventus (favourite team) and the Italian national team including transfer news, scores of games, and more. I chose this website because I am very passionate about soccer and I like to stay on top of competitions and games to see how my team does.


This beautiful photo of a red rose was taken in the spring when flowers look their best. I love this photo because flowers show how beautiful nature is. This is a very well taken photo and it represents my passion of photography.


Holy Bible



My photo library