During this week, I got to see various presentations on CPR and substance use. From these presentations, I was able to gain important knowledge that can be used in situations to save lives. During the CPR presentation, I learned that if you attempt CPR on someone who is unconscious, there is no negative result, there can only be a neutral result or a positive result. This means that they can either not wake up, which is neutral as they were not awake before the CPR, or they can wake up, which is positive as they are back to life. This made me feel more confident as I know I cannot make the person worse off than they previously were if I preform CPR on them. In addition, I learned that CPR is done in a different way on infants and young children that it is done on adults. This gave me more knowledge as I now know how to preform it on more people. During the NaloxHome presentation, I learned that even after Naloxone is administered and the person wakes up, they can still overdose again once the dose wears off. I also learned that naloxone can be administered as many times as needed and has a neutral effect on people that aren’t overdosing. These sessions have an impact on my life as I am able to apply this knowledge to various potential situations that may occur in my life. For example, they may be useful if someone in my life suffers a cardiac arrest, someone unconscious at school or soccer, or if I see someone who has overdosed in a skytrain station. In conclusion, these presentations have provided me with further knowledge on how I could potentially save someone’s life.
Critical and Reflective Thinking Competency Reflection:
I can analyze evidence to make judgements. I am able to do this by recognizing when someone is experiencing a health issue and analyzing various factors such as their pulse, breathing, airway, skin tone, and consciousness to determine if they require any sort of medical assistance. Then, I can make judgements to figure out what kind of help is necessary, for example, CPR or Naloxone, and call 911 in the meantime.