A busy family needs help creating a meal plan that works with everyone’s schedule while including every family member to do their fair share.
Day | Person Cooking | Serving Amount | Meal Time | Food |
Monday | Parent A | 6 Servings | 6:00 pm | Pasta with Tomato Sauce |
Tuesday | Teen 1 | 4 Servings | 6:00 pm | Chickpea Cauliflower Curry |
Wednesday | Parent B | 4 Servings | 6:45 pm | Beef and Spinach Lasagna & Caprese Salad |
Thursday | Parent B | 4 Servings | 6:00 pm | Ginger Glazed Salmon |
Friday | Teen 2 & Parent A | 8 Servings | 6:00 pm | Waffles & Eggs |

Monday will work well because Parent A who is cooking the meal gets home at 4:30 pm and can cook the meal. Dinner will be ready at 6:00 pm and since it’s pasta which is a simple dish, Parent B will be able to finish their dinner before leaving for the gym at 7:00 pm. They will be making 6 portions so that it can be for their lunch the next day.
Tuesday’s plan will work well because Teen 1 is cooking and gets home at 3:30 pm and will have dinner ready by the time Parent A gets home at 6 pm. By this time everyone in the family will be home and Teen 2 will have enough time to eat before leaving for soccer if they get ready for soccer before dinner at 6 pm
On Wednesday, Parent B gets home at 5:30 pm and has enough time to cook a more complex meal since nobody has anything after that time on Wednesday. The dinner will be ready at 6:45 pm which works for everyone and gives the teenagers time to do their homework before dinner.
Thursday has a good plan because Parent B will get home at 5:30 pm and have dinner ready at 6 pm. By this time, everyone will be home form their activities and commitments like work. This will give them lots of free time after dinner for homework and family time.
Friday is very efficient because Teen 2 will be cooking with the help of Parent A. This means that Teen 2 can start preparing the food when they get home at 3:30 pm and Parent A can help them cook the meal when they get home. It is also efficient because they will be making 8 portions and only three people will be eating it that night since Teen 1 eats dinner at work. This means that 5 portions will be left and they will be used on the weekend for breakfast or brunch.
Collaboration Reflection
We all communicated with each other and shared our ideas. We tried to split up the work fairly and did it in a way that was efficient. Each person chose one day of the week to make a meal plan and to figure out how much time they have to make the meals. Valeria worded some of the ideas. Zoey, Aunjali, and Emma typed up the questions. Emma found the waffles and eggs recipe. Aunjali found the Tomato sauce pasta recipe. Valeria found the Caprese salad recipe. To share our work using technology, we created a shared word document and typed out all our ideas and answers. We also used Edublog to create our posts and we used internet browsers to find recipes. Everyone was familiar or at least had used these things at least once. Personally, I worded some of the phrases we typed, did the schedule for Wednesday, and I wrote my justifications for the days of the week. I also found pictures for the recipes we added and found the recipe for the Caprese salad.
Added recipes:
Easy Waffles Recipe | Martha Stewart
Simple Scrambled Eggs Recipe | Get Cracking
Penne With Tomato Sauce Pasta Recipe by Tasty