I can form new ideas to create new things. I can also build on the ideas of others. I demonstrated this when me and my partner had to come up with ideas for the story. I also demonstrated this when we formed ideas based on each others ideas.
I can develop a body of creative work over time. Over a few days, me and my parter were able to put together a flowing comic strip and we were able to make it have a good appearance as well.
I consider more than one way to proceed in an investigation. When me and my partner were creating our comic strip, we were either going to create the drawings first or we were going to do the writing first. We decided to do the writing first because it was the harder part.
I can persevere over time to develop my ideas, and I expect setbacks and failure, but use that to develop my ideas. At first me and my partner had troubles thinking of ideas but over time, we put each others ideas together and used them to come up with an idea.
My goal is to improve my knowledge in the Spanish language by studying more for tests and quizzes.