My Tribute Costume

For my tribute costume, I’d choose something intricate yet tactical. I believe myself to be a very analytical and quiet person who thinks about every aspect of a situation and comes up with the best way to overcome the problem. I enjoy art, reading, writing, and technology, so I tried to incorporate that by making a costume based off of steampunk fashion. Not only do the gears on the headband and back represent my fascination with technology, it also refers to the phrase, “I can see the gears turning in your head.” I consider myself to be a smart person, which is why this is one of my favourite phrases.

In the Hunger Games, I believe I would be skilled in the strategy aspects of the game. On a day to day basis, I can think of quick solutions to problems that may present themselves (i.e. making witty comebacks on the spot) and can consider things most people do not. I also am strong willed and stubborn, which is a useful quality to have when talking about a life or death situation.

For this project, I already knew I was going to make a Minecraft skin since I have years of practice in making it. I considered the extent of my talents and what exactly I could execute, and came up with a steampunk design. In the actual visual representation of the costume, I’m very proud of the way it turned out. Even after I thought the skin was complete, I’d find a new way to incorporate more elements of my personality into it and make it unique.

If I were to do the project over again, I would probably go for something sci-fi to represent my love for chemistry and biology. In the end, I learned that my talents in artistry and creativity are higher than I once believed them to be and I enjoyed this project thoroughly.


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