Computer Programming 11


Welcome to my edublog post on computer programming 11! I’m excited to share my thoughts on this class, which has been an amazing experience for me. In particular, I’ve been learning how to code in Python, and my teacher is absolutely fantastic. Not only does she make the material easy to understand, but she also has a great sense of humor and even treats us to free coffee from time to time.

One thing I really appreciate about this class is how straightforward the assignments are. While some of the coding challenges can be a bit challenging, the instructions are always crystal clear, and I never feel lost or overwhelmed. Plus, I find it really satisfying to work through a tough problem and finally see my code running perfectly.

Another thing I love about computer programming 11 is how the quizzes are structured. Instead of traditional written exams, we take our quizzes by actually writing code. I think this is a much better way to assess our understanding of the material, as it really forces us to apply what we’ve learned in a practical way.

But perhaps the best thing about this class is that our teacher doesn’t take off late marks for assignments. I think this is incredibly generous, as it allows us to focus on learning and experimenting with new code without worrying about being penalized for submitting something a bit late.

I wanted to share a program I did that earned me some extra marks. I found that the study sites I tried didn’t quiz me on the right material. So, I had the idea to create my own program that quizzed me instead. To accomplish this I had to put the French words and their translations in excel and make it a csv file. Then I made a program where if the users input doesn’t match the English translation it says you’re incorrect. Then bam:

I found that it was really convenient to be able to code a program that helped me study. I was able to tailor the quizzes to my specific needs and preferences, which made the studying process much more effective for me. Plus, it was a great way to practice my coding skills and see the practical applications of what I was learning in class.

My teacher was very generous to offer bonus marks for this project, and I’m grateful for the opportunity to demonstrate my coding skills in a practical way. It’s really encouraging to see how coding can be applied to real-world situations and make tasks easier and more efficient.

Overall, I’m really enjoying my experience with computer programming and learning how to code in Python. The flexibility and adaptability of coding skills are some of the biggest advantages, and I think that anyone who is interested in digital majors or just wants to have a better understanding of how tech works should consider learning to code.


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