Physics Reflection

My favorite for a reason, it makes everything make sense of why it is the way it is. Is it not weird everything can be calculated?

It’s fascinating how, over the past four months, I’ve been able to answer the persistent question of ‘why?’ Everything seems calculable now, from determining how high something goes based on its power to predicting the motion of objects and understanding the forces that connect everything. It’s surprising how these basic units, which once seemed like rocket science, now make perfect sense.

The highlight for me was definitely the labs. Applying what we learned to real-life examples made me feel like I was part of something significant. Despite facing challenges and feeling overwhelmed at times, the thrill of overcoming difficulties kept me going. I’ve come to believe in the idea that whatever can happen, will happen – a perspective that has a profound impact on outcomes.

Anyhow, narrowing our pov into the course, I now can analyze data and organize my thoughts. Since we used whiteboards for solving daily problems, I had excellent communication with people in the class, we would use our minds and help in different increments. In physics, the most important thing except the brains is how well you say what you think, and how well that message comes across. When I did not understand something, I made sure I understood it. By asking is the easiest and most recommended. Thankfully, I had a bright class which involved many people who were patient and understanding. Sometimes it is the faith in other people that makes you have faith in yourself.

Narrowing this to more of a personal level, my favorite unit was the forces (Newtons laws) unit (ironic since it was my worst unit.) For a lab we did, the class had to come up with their own creative ways to measure their body power. I find that so useful that you can know how much power your body can generate (how strong you are made basic.) Some measured how fast you can run up the stairs in a time limit, some measured how many squats you can do with 50kg on your back on a time limit, (my group) and it went on. I apply it in real life by comparing my gym process with the before and after.

Currently, we’re working on circuits, Ohm’s laws, and Kirchhoff’s laws, which I find relatively straightforward. But the test on Monday will truly indicate it.

I believe I talked enough, but there is still a lot I want to say, but don’t need to.



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