The overall problem was to find a good time to serve dinner when everyone is home. Also everyone cooking at least once in the week.
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | |
Recipe | Black Bean Tacos | Homemade Chicken Pot Pie | Grilled Cheese Sandwiches | Tuna Casserole | Feta Pasta and Garlic Bread |
Portion of Recipe | 15 min | 60 min | 20 min | 22 min | 4 servings of each 62mins |
Cook | Zahra (PB) | Stacie (T1) | Rhian (T2) | Cole (PA) | Zahra (PB) Also cooks with Teen2 |
Dinner Time | 6:30 pm | 6:30 pm | 6:10pm | 6:30 pm | 7:02pm. |
Our plan for the week:
I cook and challenging meals on Fridays, so I cook easy meals on Mondays to balance each other out. I’ll start cooking at 6 p.m. because I get home at 5:30 p.m. on Mondays. I’ll spend my 30 minutes to change, prepare meals, and so on. Since I cook two meals with teen 2, we are going to bake them at the same time. Adding the time each of them takes to bake together we get an hour and 2 mins. Therefore, dinner will be ready at 7:02pm. Although the table will take sometime to be ready, so the dinner will be served at 7:15pm.
On Tuesday, Teen 1 will cook Homemade Chicken Pot Pie. This is a wise decision because every other member of the family is busy. Neither parent A nor B have enough time to provide a home cooked meal for everyone else to eat. Teen 2 is incapable of providing a home cooked meal such as chicken pot pie for the rest of the family to eat due to lack of knowledge and experience. Therefore, teen 1 is the wise choice to prepare and cook a challenging meal for the family. The dish will take 60 minutes to prepare and cook. Therefore, Teen 1 can start preparing the ingredients around 5:00. The food will be finished at around 6:00 and will be served by 6:30-when everyone has free time.
On Wednesday, Teen 2 will cook Grilled Cheese. This is an excellent choice because of the difficulty level and time she has. The difficulty level of Grilled Cheese is easy, and Teen 2 does not have any extra activities after school and dinner. Teen 2 will start cooking at 5:45 p.m. when Parent A gets home so she has 20 minutes to cook 4 servings of Grilled Cheese and has an extra 5 minutes to set the table for dinner. They also have 35 minutes to eat since Parent A will be coming home from work at 6:00 p.m. and Teen 2 has an evening activity at 7:00, so Teen 2 will have time (15 minutes) to get to her evening activity.
On Thursday, Parent A will cook Tuna Casserole. This is a desirable choice because Parent A gets home earlier that day than any other day. Parent A also does not have an after-work activity on Thursday. This day would not work for parent B because they have an after-work activity on Thursday.
Why I think it will work:
This will work because we separated our work and discussed together our problems and solutions. We did talk to each other about the responsibilities it will have and the time etc. we tried to balance out the time consuming foods on the days that our family is home most of the time. Therefore the less time consuming meals on the days that our family is not home for long. As for the extra meals, I can do them on days that it can fit(the time it takes to cook to fit).
feta pasta (45mins) challenging
Garlic Bread 4 servings (17 min) medium challenging
We used to converse by facing each other and talking about our problems, etc. We chatted about our favorite dishes and communicated by facing and talking with each other. We employed technology to figure out how much additional food we should prepare. Ms. Lam will also examine our grammar and provide feedback. I don’t believe it complicated our work, but I’m only speaking from personal experience. We used Microsoft teams and social media to figure out who should be in charge of what tasks and responsibilities. I did my half of the work, such as determining when dinner should be served and calculating the time it takes to prepare the dishes. I debated with my teammates about which foods they’d want to take. We also came up with the concept of cooking with Teen 2 on Fridays because they can’t cook on their own and it would be proof of our communication. We discussed what meals we should prepare and came to the decision that it would be a challenging meal. My other piece of evidence is the concept of shorter meals on certain days and longer lunches on others, based on our working hours and after-school activities.
If there is a disagreement within the group, I find it beneficial to first discuss why we disagree and then look for the source of the problem. Then we’ll discuss and debate our ideas. Then decide which option is the most efficient and effective for us.
When I hear/see that we are all working hard and asking questions related to the material, I know the group is working effectively together. Even when there are arguments, those that do arise are easily resolved. It’s also good to see that the work is straightforward to read and understand to make sure that we’re all on the same page.
When new ideas or approaches are shared among the group, I keep an open mind. For example, before making a decision, understand fully everyone’s ideas and opinions. However, remaining open-minded is also important. Furthermore, if our plan does not appear to be working with the right people, we switch roles to make our plan more clear.
I can explain how…This assignment required the use of social interaction. I learned most of my social skills in school. I mostly talked to people because I was working on a project. I learned social skills and other things. Also, how to divide work fairly among my teammates. I have a lot of experience with talking to people I’m not familiar with now. Thanks to school, I can now work with people I don’t usually talk to or people I’m not close with on a project.