Self-Reflection New media 10


Me (Zarah), Asher, and Eloise worked through each section of the book in our group before having a discussion about how well we understood it. This ensured that we were travelling in the same direction. I cherished the way the talk flowed during our podcast. Even though we had some cuts, we made an effort to blend them. The majority of the talking was done by Asher, the host, while I, the editor, edited the video segments. Before beginning to record the video, we talked about what to say in certain situations in advance. But we also made an effort to sound natural. Overall, I had a good time with this event, which I didn’t anticipate.

None of us had ever done a podcast before, so this was new for the three of us. After looking at the criteria I personally had no idea how we were able to talk about a book for 15mins. This was worrying for me because on our first day we pretty much said everything the criteria required in less that a minute. The we had to look at some podcasts to find inspiration. Which is when we found out we needed filler in our conversations.

It was time to put the video together after we had finished capturing all of the segments. therefore that was my chance to shine. Ironically, I assumed it would be difficult because there would be so many segments and it would be hard to locate comfortable music and arrange the videos. I completed all of the editing using CapCut. Eloise also assisted in choosing the clips by sorting them and by observing my progress. Overall, I’m glad that was easy to do and that our conversation lasted more than 10 minutes. I didn’t want to just do what was bare minimum, after all.


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