Physics Reflection

My favorite for a reason, it makes everything make sense of why it is the way it is. Is it not weird everything can be calculated? It’s fascinating how, over the past four months, I’ve been able to answer the persistent question of ‘why?’ Everything seems calculable now, from determining how high something goes based … [Read more…]


I can make observations of labs and perform on a proficient matter. My favorite part is the labs we have done. A wish for me is to not procrastinate in class and have better notes because I’m doing something wrong. I can commit to the practice and do reviews on regular basis, unsure on what … [Read more…]

French 9- reflection

 From day one to now. Have you improved? What surprised you? What are you still finding challenging?  I’ve always wanted to learn French, at day one I had huge enthusiasm about how much I’m going to learn, and I still have the same enthusiasm. My excitement for the French language is still the same, I … [Read more…]

Computer Programming 11

Self-Reflection Welcome to my edublog post on computer programming 11! I’m excited to share my thoughts on this class, which has been an amazing experience for me. In particular, I’ve been learning how to code in Python, and my teacher is absolutely fantastic. Not only does she make the material easy to understand, but she … [Read more…]

Self-assessing Core Competency CLE 10

You are able to tie this to one specific learning activity, or alternatively choose an activity that you were engaged in throughout the course to use for your self-assessment. In class, we often engaged in a learning activity where we worked in small groups to analyze a case study and present our findings to the … [Read more…]

Self-Reflection New media 10

PODCAST REFLECTION Me (Zarah), Asher, and Eloise worked through each section of the book in our group before having a discussion about how well we understood it. This ensured that we were travelling in the same direction. I cherished the way the talk flowed during our podcast. Even though we had some cuts, we made … [Read more…]


Curricular Response: STOCK VS. BOND An ownership interest in a corporation is represented by a stock, which entitles the holder to a share of the firm’s assets and earnings. A bond is a type of financial asset in which an investor lends money to a company or government and receives their money back plus interest. … [Read more…]