Indigenous Wisdom and Knowledge Of Truth And Justice – The Four Worlds International Institute (

The creator chose to let the mole hide the gift within the person’s heart so that only those that have the courage to look deeper can find it. This story is meant to encourage people to look within themselves in order to better understand themselves.

Throughout elementary, I have been lucky to be a part of a club called Eco Kids, where our main priority was limiting the usage plastic in our school. The club not only looked at the environmental impacts pollutions are causing, but as well as the importance of preserving the stories told from indigenous cultures, because they hold special knowledge and wisdom that we don’t get to think about.

I joined ES because I enjoyed my time being a part of Eco Kids. I was privileged enough to have had someone running the club be so passionate about the outdoors, being environmental friendly, and enjoys sharing these amazing stories. ES gives me more opportunity expand my knowledge and experience new things at the same time.
