Favorite Recipe

Greek Week

Making and Sharing Reflection

We made six different recipes during Greek week, so we used many different tools in the kitchen. We mainly used the cast iron pan. It helped my group make the chicken and the pita bread. The recipes were cheap to make and they were all relatively healthy because everything was from scratch. This meal followed Canadas’s food guide very well because there was a good mix of vegetables, protein, carbohydrates, and grains. My group communicated very well and we were on task the whole time. There was not a single moment during the week where anyone in my group was distracted or doing something wrong.

Core Competency Reflection

While working in the kitchen, I help to build and extend understanding by cooking with things I have never cooked with before. This will help expand my culinary knowledge fully.

The ways I communicate while cooking differ from how I communicate at home, because it is a different environment. Everything is more calm at home, where in the kitchen, it is slightly stressful and the communication is more serious.

I show that I value feedback from others in my group by listening to my partners and doing what they ask me to do.

My goal going forward

My goal moving forward is to work faster. There have been times when my group was the last to leave simply because of organization and the speed we are working at. The way I can solve this problem is by talking to my group about roles in the kitchen so we can work faster and be more successful.


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