The Crucible Essay

The purpose of this essay is to discuss the 1953 play, “The Crucible.”. This essay will talk about the behaviors of different characters in a pre-conventional, conventional, and post-conventional manner. These behaviors are related to Kollberg’s moral precepts, used for explaining things in expository writing. The three different perspectives are used depending on the way the characters act in different situations and points in the literature. We can fully understand the characters and the reasoning behind their actions by analyzing the three types of moral development. And we can find out which category the characters fall into using this strategy. 

There are many examples found within the literature that demonstrate characters acting in a pre-conventional manner. Pre-conventional characters behave in a way to avoid punishment and obtain reward. The first character that is pre-conventional is Tituba. Tituba, who is a slave, demonstrates this behavior when she is threatened by her master, Reverend Paris. He says, “I will take you out and whip you to your death.” This threat is directed at Tituba. He is trying to get Tituba to admit that she spoke with the devil. Tituba ended up confessing, even though she was innocent. This demonstrates pre-conventional behavior because she confessed to something she didn’t do to avoid getting whipped to death. In addition, Abigail is another example of a character trying to avoid punishment. “I saw Sarah Good with the devil”, is what she said when being accused of her crimes. She was essentially trying to blame others for her own actions. Abigail manipulated everyone to believe that she had done nothing wrong. Which illustrates her willingness to lie to protect herself from punishment. Additionally, Mary Warren demonstrates this behavior when she says, “I I remembered everything she done to me!”. She says this when talking to John Proctor about Abigail. She mentioned how Abigail mistreated her all the time and how she was always manipulated by her. This moment highlights Mary Warren struggling to reconcile her loyalty to Abigail. She wanted to drift away from Abigail to avoid being abused. Thus, avoiding punishment. From the examples provided above, we can say that the three characters mentioned all have the same goal of avoiding punishment and obtaining a reward. 

There are many examples of conventional characters in “The Crucible.” Conventional characters behave in a way to fit into a certain group. The first character that is conventional is Mary Warren. “I go your way no more”, is a line which was spoken by Mary Warren. Mary is implying that she is done being mistreated. She decided to testify against the girls, including Abigail. By testifying against them, Mary is demonstrating conventional morality. Rather than following the crowd, she begins to assert her own values rather than following everyone else. Furthermore, John Proctor is another character that is conventional. “I have three children – how may I teach them to walk like men it the world”. This statement made by John Proctor reflects conventional behavior because his goal is to be a good example for his children. Proctor saying all those things demonstrates the care he has for his children and their values. He is always trying to figure out a way to teach his children how to be honorable individuals in the future. Another example of a conventional character is Giles Corey. Corey is known for being a man of justice and truthfulness. When the court tries to accuse John Proctor, Giles Corey states, “I have only last month collected four pound damages for you saying I burned the roof off your house.” Corey goes to court and stands up against their injustices. Giles Corey believes that the court isn’t fair for accusing innocent people. This demonstrates conventional behavior because of his motivation for justice in the courtroom. In summary, we have a demonstration of conventional behavior from Mary, John, and Giles. They all have different goals, but they all want to be accepted by their groups. 

“The Crucible” contains many post-conventional characters. These characters make decisions based on their own beliefs, rather than following the rules of society. An example of a character that behaves in a post-conventional manner is John Proctor. “I speak my own sins, I cannot judge another.” What John Proctor means by this is that he has a deep understanding of individual responsibility. He does not want to judge others or blame them for their sins. He demonstrates respect for people acting according to their own personal desires, regardless of punishment or reward. Secondly, Elizabeth is another character that demonstrates this type of behavior. Instead of falsely confessing to witchcraft, John Proctor decides to get executed. Elizabeth says, “He have his goodness now. God forbid I take it from him.” Elizabeth demonstrates her respect for John by letting him die. She knows that nothing will change John’s mind, therefore she does not try to persuade John or make him change his mind. Elizabeth believes that accepting this is the right decision for the family. Lastly is Giles Corey. “More weight” is what he says when they are trying to crush him to death using the concrete slabs. The men are trying to get names out of Corey. However, Corey won’t budge and has decided to take all his secrets to the grave. When he makes this statement, he is implying that he doesn’t care whether he lives or not. His best interest is keeping his secrets and making sure no one finds out. Overall, these three characters demonstrate post-conventional behavior throughout the play. 

In conclusion, it is evident that Kollberg’s moral precepts have helped readers build a better understanding of the behaviors of different characters. We can also say that these stages of moral development can help us figure out why these characters act in these confusing and unordinary ways. By analyzing the literature, we can figure out whether the characters land in the pre-conventional, conventional, or post-conventional categories. 

Pre-Calc 12 Conics Project

In this project, we were instructed to create a self portrait on desmos. We were able to pick any image of our choice to use as reference. I used a variety of different functions. These functions included circles, ellipses, hyperbolae, parabolas, and simple linear functions. We were required to use at least two circles, two ellipses, and one hyperbola.

I started off by making the eyes. I used circles for both of the irises/pupils, and two half ellipses for each eye. For the eyebrows, I mainly used ellipses and quadratic functions. After that, I worked through my hair. I was wearing a hat in the image I chose, however there was some hair sticking out. I mainly used ellipses and quadratic functions for the hair. As well as a handful of linear functions. The hardest part of this assignment was probably the hat. There were a lot of bumps that I had to work with during this process. I used a lot of quadratic functions and some ellipses. I then moved on to the structure of my face, which included my ears and chin. I used a hyperbolae for both ears, and I only used linear functions for the actual head. While doing the lips, I discovered a feature where you can insert a table and plot different points. Which was quite useful as my lips had many dips and it wasn’t really a straight line. The last thing I did was the nose. For the nose, I just used the plotting points feature and I connected the lines afterwards.

I used restrictions and sliders on pretty much every line. I also made sure to use the right colors to make my face as realistic as possible. There were some colors I wanted to use that were not on the desmos palette. So I had to make my own colors by taking regular colors and defining them. Overall, this project was fun and I have learned some new things about graphing, as well as different functions and when to use them.

Pre Calculus 12 Core Competency Self-Reflection

Critical Thinking

Over the course of this semester, there were problems that were not too much of an issue. However, there were some problems that I struggled with. A unit that I had a hard time with more than the others were Logarithms. It was a new concept to me, as we did not cover them during Pre Calc 11. Most of the units are similar to Pre Calc 11, just more difficult. However logarithms are a completely new unit. The artifact I have attached is a series of problems from the Unit 5 Formative Assessment. In part a) of this question, we were given information and told to find the amount of time it will take for $10,000 to be worth $11,000 with an interest of 6% compounded semi-annually. I didn’t really have any problems when it came to solving part a). Part b) was going well until I got a very unrealistic answer at the end. I then found out that I rounded too early, which gave me an incorrect answer. I tried to solve it again, except I made sure to put the whole number in rather than rounding early. I ended up getting a solution that made more sense. The last question was a bit of a struggle at first because I couldn’t figure out which formula to use. I ended up figuring it out eventually after reviewing my notes. I can gather and combine new evidence with what I already know to develop reasoned conclusions, judgments, or plans. This profile describes my learning the best because I can apply my knowledge to different problems. I want to improve my critical thinking in a way that if I’m struggling with a problem, I can try to find a way to solve it. In the future, I am looking forward to tackling more difficult problems to help improve my critical thinking skills.

Chemistry 12 Core Competency Self-Assessment

During lab 19C, my partner and I displayed communication skills by going through the lab procedure together to figure out a strategy for this experiment. We were able to help each other by communicating regularly during the lab. We both had different roles during this lab, which helped us finish it safely and efficiently. I was in charge of pouring the KI into the test tubes, while my partner was in charge of pouring both the Pb(NO3)2 and the water. Before pouring anything, my partner and I would let each other know. This assured that we were conducting the experiment effectively and safely, rather than rushing through it. When it came to heating the test tubes, my partner let me know when the precipitate dissolved and at what temperature. I would then put that temperature into the data table. The constant communication between my partner and I resulted in a successful experiment.

Favorite Recipe

Breakfast Sandwich (Home Lab)

Making and Sharing Reflection

The main tools I used to make the sandwich were an oven, a frying pan, and a pairing knife. The fruits and vegetables I used were tomatoes, lettuce, and avocado. I enjoyed making it because I wrote the recipe myself and I was in full control of everything I did. It was really easy to follow because it was my own recipe, and I made it at home which made it a less stressful working environment. It was a cheap recipe to make, however it did take a long time because it was the first time I’ve ever made a sandwich like this. The only problem was the cleanup, there were lots of dirty dishes and it was very time consuming. I made this recipe on my own at home and when it was done, I shared it with my parents because they wanted to try it as well.

Core Competency Reflection

While working in the kitchen, I help to build and extend my understanding by learning new cooking methods and asking my peers for help when needed.

I know the group is working well together when I see that everyone is focused and on task. And the recipe turns out well.

If the group is not productive, we can take a brain break or switch roles in the kitchen in order to get things moving in the right direction.

Goal Going Forward

My biggest goal going forward is to communicate with my partners and peers better. It is always a bit awkward at first when cooking with new people. Communication is one of the key factors to success in the kitchen. If everyone in the group communicates, there will be more productivity and the recipe will turn out better.