About Me

My Bio

Hello, my name is Andrej. I am fourteen years old, and I am a student at Centennial Secondary. Some of my best courses are food studies, physical education and math. Some of my harder courses are English, French and art.

My favorite activities to do are scootering, biking, shopping and hanging out with my friends. I like to listen to music because it makes me feel calm. My favorite type of music is rap.

I am also a competitive swimmer for hyack swim club. Whenever I have difficulty with something, I relax, take a deep breath, focus, and continue.

My favorite food is sushi and my least favorite food is yogurt. Some of my favorite TV shows right now are Modern Family, Stranger Things, Riverdale and Outer Banks. My goal for this year is to make new friends and get good grades.

My Favorite Website


This is my favorite website because it is where you can watch sports and I am a fan of sports. My favorite sport to watch on here is soccer. When I had the membership of this website, I used to watch soccer games with my dad and I still do.

My Favorite Video

This is my favorite video because it is a swimming race and it inspires me. Michael Phelps beat everyone by a good distance and I want to be like him.

My Favorite Image

This is my favorite picture because I went to Sheridan Lake with my friends. It was probably the highlight of this summer. We also had our own dock in our yard.

My Favorite Quote

“Just keep your cool and your sense of humor.”

– Smiley Blanton

I chose this quote because it is a sad time right now because of this pandemic. This quote has an important message that you have to have a sense of humor and stay happy especially at this time.



2016 200 IM finals


