Spoken Language 11 Debating

My Debate Topic: Drugs should be legal

We resolve that Individuals should not have the right to determine which drugs they wish to consume without the threat of incarceration. 


Throughout the course of my debate, I gathered a variety of information from the con and pro side arguments. The pro side discussed topics like freedom, and how the use of drugs someone wishes to take is up to the person. The pro side also discussed how after Portugal legalised all drugs, less overdoses occurred. My partner and I on the con side, rebutted these by stating how people need to be safe for themselves and others. Another strong point we made was how drugs can persuade people to commit crimes and how children are affected by drug use.

My Debate Reflection

Debating helped me learn tons of tools that I can use in the future. The first skill was how to properly cite information for future projects and assignments. Next was presenting research in a persuasive way. Writing a hook for my speech helped to draw people in and will help with essays in the future. The last skill I learned was to be very informed on topics when I choose to debate in the future whether it be in school, or in my personal life. Knowledge is power!

The Best Resource I Found


I chose this quote due to the fact that it had an extremely important piece of information I could cite during my debate. The website stated, that “Adults in B.C. are now not subject to criminal charges for the personal possession of small amounts of certain illegal drugs. This exemption is in effect from January 31, 2023, to January 31, 2026.”. I used this piece of information in the first paragraph of my speech to see if the opposition knew about this exemption.

My Favourite Quote

“Knowledge is Power”

Francis Bacon

I chose this quote because it is immensely important to know the topic you are debating well, and know how to defend yourself. It is easy to tell when someone is trying to get their point across but clearly hasn’t researched their debate or have an interest in what they are defending.

Works Cited

Works Cited  

BC Gov News. https://news.gov.bc.ca/. Accessed 26 May 2023. 

‘Drug Addiction (Substance Use Disorder) – Symptoms and Causes’. Mayo Clinic, https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/drug-addiction/symptoms-causes/syc-20365112. Accessed 26 May 2023. 

Duke, Alan. ‘Lindsay Lohan Talks Drugs, Booze, Rehab, Sex’. CNN, 5 May 2013, https://www.cnn.com/2013/05/05/showbiz/lindsay-lohan-rehab/index.html

General, Public Safety and Solicitor. Nearly 600 Lives Lost to Unregulated Drugs in First Three Months of 2023 | BC Gov News. 18 Apr. 2023, https://news.gov.bc.ca/releases/2023PSSG0025-000545

‘What Drugs Cause the Most Insane Behavior?’ DrugAbuse.Com, 5 Apr. 2013, https://drugabuse.com/blog/what-drugs-cause-the-most-insane-behavior/

Core Competency Reflection

Examples of where I communicate clearly and purposefully can be seen in my cross questioning during my debate. I made sure to ask my opponent yes or no, direct questions that were not confusing to answer or rebuttal. This is an area I believe I had strength in.

I knew my partner and I were working well together when we took notes for each other even when we were not cross questioning the pro side, and shared rebuttal information. Sharing information with each other is what caused us to succeed in the debate. My partner made little sticky notes on her laptop which were helpful as well.

I remain open minded as I explored my topic and how I would develop my argument as evidenced by the word document I shared between my partner and I. We wrote over 10 rebuttals the opposition side could use and try our best to pre-rebuttal them all, even though we had no idea what the oppositions rebuttals would ACTUALLY be. I made sure to look at the oppositions perspectives while writing my speech and rebuttals.

When I was faced with ambiguity or setbacks in the debating unit, I asked someones opinion who did not know much about my topic. Getting information from an outside perspective helped me create arguments I haven’t thought of.


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