Life Saving Measures

In the CPR and Naloxhome presentations i have learned to always stay calm, and control the situation when preforming cpr. ive learned where aeds are located and how to use one properly. i also learned how to use a naloxhome kit the correct way to prevent overdoses.

Its going to help me in the future if someone ever drops in a public place ill know what to do.

critical thinking competency reflection

I can analyze to make judgments. While getting taught CPR i can analyze how to properly do CPR and how to do it carefully, this is helpful for me to properly do CPR.

Core Competency: Communication

My Digital Photobook


The topic I chose for my digital photobook was places I wanted to visit. First I made a list of everywhere I wanted to visit than chose the top options to put in my project and wrote about them, Lastly I added all my photos an decorated with borers and icons.

Through this project I demonstrated core competency number 3 “I communicate purposefully, using forms and strategies I have practiced.” I would learn about places before I put them on my list and things you can do there. I didn’t just think a place looked pretty and put it on my list I did my research.

One challenge I faced was picking which places to put in my project. also finding things to do while on vacation. I realized most tourist attractions you just sit by the beach and there’s nothing to do so picking the places I chose was difficult.

Active Living Reflection

My Artifact

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Active Living 11/12 Reflection

  1. Its saying that when you graduate you might not be as active as you where in highschool. So finding sports you find enjoyable will be a fun way to stay in shape.
  2. My Favorite unit so far has been badminton. I discovered a sport I’ve never played before and it was very enjoyable. plus I’m pretty good.
  3. When I graduate school ill start meal prepping and working out.

Core Competency Reflection

I work with others to achieve a goal

i can work with teamates to play badminton and basketball. Working with a team has helped my skills.

I find it easy to be apart of a group

when working with a group my communication’s skills have improved.

Mon Autobiographie

Curricular Competency Reflection

To help me write this paragraph i would think back to words I learned before such as summer, basketball, and beach. i would use verbs i know how to such as aller. since i wrote this in French it was pretty basic i didn’t know how to go into detail if i wrote this in English it would have been in more detail. being in a foreigner in a country is probably the most difficult thing people have to go through.

Core Competency Self-Assessment

Social Awareness & Responsibility in BCA 12

I am writing about this assignment, where I wrote a formal email in a situation of emailing my teacher for an extension on a project. In this assignment, I used critical and creative thinking to make sure that everything that I was saying was in a professional and proper tone. I learned how to be aware of the words that I was using, and my responsibility on convincing my teacher for an extension. A problem I faced was keeping my email professional because I’m used to texting with friends, not having that tone. This skill is important for awareness of your social responsibility in situations like these. You can apply this skill when applying for jobs.

My Digital Footprint

When i googled my name not much showed up. i think this is because i dont use Facebook or twitter i do use Instagram but my account isn’t under my name. i dont think my digital footprint would really help me get a job or get into a post secondary school because i dont show up.

I think my digital foot print is safe because my social media is a private account. i also think my foot print will be safe because i dont do anything job employers or schools wouldn’t like.

I would tell other students not to do anything bad now so in there future job employers will hire them. i would also tell them that anything you do now will stay with you for ever.