My Digital Footprint

When i googled my name not much showed up. i think this is because i dont use Facebook or twitter i do use Instagram but my account isn’t under my name. i dont think my digital footprint would really help me get a job or get into a post secondary school because i dont show up.

I think my digital foot print is safe because my social media is a private account. i also think my foot print will be safe because i dont do anything job employers or schools wouldn’t like.

I would tell other students not to do anything bad now so in there future job employers will hire them. i would also tell them that anything you do now will stay with you for ever.

My Self-Portrait

   I always thought bats were interesting because of how many similarities we had. Bats and I have really good hearing. Whenever I’m in my room I can always hear doors close from outside, even when the window is closed. Bats also have short black hair like me. The saying, blind like a bat describes me perfectly. Sometimes when people try to point something out to me it’s hard for me to notice it because of how bad my eyesight is. On weekends I’m always sleeping during the morning because I like to stay up late, and watch movies or tv shows. Bats are the same because they’re nocturnal. I am not nocturnal, but ” I am a bat.” 

My self portrait is initiative because i put the things that represent me inside the bat because its a part of who i am. all the things i like but i didn’t put in my paragraph i put at the bottom. i liked how i got to represent myself however i wanted. next time i would like to put a picture of myself. i learned how to create a self profile