About me

my bio

hey my names Carrera and some words that describe me are stubborn, loud, and aggressive. I love playing lacrosse, I play on 4 different teams including team bc. During my spare time I listen to music and hangout with my friends. I’m a very big procrastinator, because I fail to stay on task and I constantly get distracted no matter what I’m doing.

My favourite website

https://www.netflix.com/ca/ I chose this website because I’m on it 24/7 and its my favourite.

My favourite video

https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=Alice+in+Wonderland+1951&&view=detail&mid=3E7F5A4BC2CB06B658A33E7F5A4BC2CB06B658A3&&FORM=VRDGAR&ru=%2Fvideos%2Fsearch%3Fq%3DAlice%2Bin%2BWonderland%2B1951%26FORM%3DRESTAB I chose this video because this is my favourite childhood movie.

My favorite quote

“Light travels faster than sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak” -Alan Dundes. This quote isn’t really important I just like it because its true and funny.

My favorite image

See the source image
I chose this picture because this is my favorite show.