Technology and Well Being Reflection

Whenever I get stressed, there are many ways i can overcome this. Some examples can be like sleeping so that I dont have to think about the stress and struggle I am going through. Playing video games also helps me prevent me from getting stress because focusing on video games will calm my mind from the stress. One other thing I do when I am stressed is to go outside and do activities until the stress is out of my whole body. Doing all of these prevent me from having stress and helps me go back to what I was doing.

I demonstrate respectful, inclusive behaviour. I chose this because I am kind towards my peers and teachers and support them when needed. I am quiet and dont disturb the class and do my individual work.

I can appreciate diverse perspectives on issues and can resolve problems respectfully and effectively.  Whenever I am having a problem, I try to resolve it without needing help from people.

I find it easy to be part of a group. Talking to people is normal for me even though I usually dont talk in class. I was shy but i overcame that problem and now I can talk to people which means i can be part of groups and participate in group activities.


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