Monday Morning Socials 10

I will be away on Monday morning.  So i am posting the lesson here for both students and my TToC to use with the class.


Block 1 got half way thro this lecture.  Block 2 did not start it.

Use this video for block 2 only when at the 100 days section

Show this video above to both blocks

There is a treaty of Versailles hand out on my day book.

There is a review sheet alsoWWI Review topics

War Horse

We watched the majority of the movie War Horse.  Today we saw a scene from the Battle of the Somme and Joey run through No Mans Land.  We saw soldiers talk in the trenches, share their valuables, and go over the top together (a whistle, and a bagpipe played).

Your job is to turn this scene, and the others we have watched (passchendaele, Great War Blog, simple history, Canadian legions video on Vimy plus more…) into an authentic letter from the Western Front back to Canada.


American Revolution time line

Remember you are working on your American  Revolution timeline.  Your textbook has a timeline (page 158) with 12 events.  Your job is to re-create the timeline and add in 5 more events to the timeline (17 total).  There needs to be a minimum 5 pictures and 5 explanations.  All events need a small exert to demonstrate your understanding.