Cooking at home: Option 3 Waffle Brunch

I decided to make waffles using my waffle maker. I came up with this idea when I was looking for a casserole dish and happened to come across the waffle maker. I like to sleep in so I thought I’d make it as a brunch dish. I looked through some recipe books and found a waffle recipe in Company’s Coming. I took out the waffle machine and gave it a little clean. The recipe was simple, it was similar to pancake mix. I had to double my ingredients because once I mentioned waffles, everyone peeped their head in the kitchen and said I’ll have some. I did not mind making more, it did not seem like a complicated process, so why not. Once I whipped up my batter up, I was ready to cook. Some safety concerns would have to be the hot plate because you can burn yourself. Sometimes the oil from the waffle machine can spurt out and it can burn you. It happened to me while I was cooking them, not a nice feeling. Working with egg also can bring up safety concerns just be careful to disinfect any surface where you spill raw egg on. I split on the counter when I was beating the eggs, so I washed my hands and then I disinfected the area. The way to use this tool is to first plug it into a outlet. Then, wait for the green light to turn on, pour the batter in, close and turn the machine to the right using the handle. It will be facing the opposite side while the waffle cooks. It cooks both sides at the same time. All you have to do is wait for the button on the other side to flash green, showing the waffle has cooked. You can adjust the heat level and cook them depending on how dark you want them. If you did not have a waffle machine, there is no alternative to making waffles without the machine. You could make pancakes instead, the recipes are very similar. I would make this dish again, I did add a splash of vanilla extract but besides that they are great the way they are. One of the challenges I faced was not knowing how much batter to put in the machine. I wanted to put just enough but I always ended up putting to much batter in, it would spill over the side when it was cooking. I over came this by putting just enough batter in my next few waffles. Greatest success would have to be end results the golden brown color, the soft bounce when cutting into the waffles and the smooth texture on top. The splash of vanilla extract gave them, a even better smell to the batter. I am proud of this experience because the waffles turned out better then I expected them to and I learned how to cook using equipment I have not used before.


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